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The Scorpio Sun and Taurus Moon Person
A Scorpio sun and Taurus moon signify a person who is loyal and self-sufficient. These people have a great sense of aesthetics and are artistically gifted. They also be a natural at decorating and love spending time at home. Taurus moon and Scorpio sun pair make excellent companions due to their similar tastes.

People born under the Scorpio moon and sun will be able to feel intense emotions. are unlike any other moon sign. It doesn't matter if it's love or hate, the Scorpio native is certain to feel everything completely. Their companions must be able to handle their extreme emotions and respect them. Scorpios are extremely loyal, loving and independent, however their fierce independence can make them difficult to trust.

Combining the Scorpio sun along with the Taurus moon will trigger major changes in their lives. They will be driven to reinvent themselves. Death is a time to change and renewal. Scorpio sun and moon will signify a strong desire to pursue passions and sensuality.

A Taurus moon and Scorpio sun will have an incredibly strong will but must be balanced by Venus. Venus is the planet that inspires passion and allows for a creative lifestyle. People born with this combination will feel at ease in twosomes, with friendship, in love, or in relationships. They are sensitive to their instinctual pulse and can be difficult to control.

A Scorpio moon can also bring forth a strong desire for healing emotional wounds. People born with a Scorpio moon will constantly reinvent themselves, as they'll be seeking out the truth. Even if they are stable, the Scorpio moon will be the most demanding element of this particular combination.

If you are lucky enough to experience the Taurus moon and sun, you will experience deep transformations. These individuals will undergo emotional catharsis on regular basis and will eliminate negative emotions from their minds. These people will become masters of their emotions and will strive to make the world more peaceful.

Taurus' Scorpio moon and Taurus sun will cause increased sensitivity and intuition for those who are blessed with it. This combination will allow people to recognize their own nature and make the most of their strengths. They will be in a position to overcome their weaknesses by using their strengths. They will be more sensitive than most and will be less quick to anger.

Taurus is an earthy sign with an emotional aspect. They are drawn to beauty and natural, slow rhythms. They also have a practical side. The Taurus moon can aid you in becoming more financially aware and make better decisions. They are very open to relationships with close people.

Combining Taurus moon with Scorpio sun could result in an intimate romantic relationship. Both zodiac signs wish to be loyal and committed to their partners. Their ways of thinking may require some adjustments, but they will need to do it.
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