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Ok Ile start it from the begining ....

Rasoolallah asalat wa asalam was sent to the ummah one of his tasks was to purify the ummah, yes they the sahaba went to rasoolallah asalat wa asalam to learn to become purified, as stated in, SURAH AL JUMMAH AYAT 2.

Originally the people were known in the arabbic term as zuhaad/zahid : (Those who abstain from the dunya) and it was declared the greatest zahid was hazrat umar radiallah anhu.

Purification is fard al ayn upon each indivivdual, now to go to a teacher is better to have one is sunnah.. and the reason is.. If we try to do it ourselves we will most likely fail, Its like saying go to college and university and dont study anything just go for the exam we dont need a teacher. . so its not really advisable. so i always say to people choose a teacher who is good for you.

Now PURIFICATION IS A SCIENCE of islam.. only certain teachers who are known as the Awlyah Allah (Friends of Allah) as mentioned from quran and sahih hadiths. are those in this area.

To recognise one, he can be rich or poor that does not really matter, but if he asks for money then no he is not a wali, a wali teaches the deen for free. they follow the sharia and the sunnah, so if someone claims alcohol is halal. we know he is defying the command of Allah etc. they are compassionate with creation and sincere in their acts.

Each wali is like a flower out of the millions of flowers in the world, a person should choose the flower that is best for them.
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


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Regards; Team

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