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Requirements to Become an Escort
You must satisfy certain requirements to be an escort. You must be educated and fit, as well as possessing an easygoing personality. You should be able to manage your personal and professional life. If you have any tattoos or piercings you should cover them. Escorts should also wear makeup and wear clothing.

A formal education

There are a myriad of requirements to become an escort. While it is not uncommon for an escort to have a degree from a college however, it is not required. You can, however, take a few online courses and get your degree without having to attend a college. can choose to study at affordable colleges such as Brooklyn College of New York City University. Or, you could enroll in expensive institutions like Yale, Johns Hopkins, or Stanford.

The completion of a degree does not guarantee employment as an escort, but it can allow you to enter the market. Escort jobs require a high school diploma, valid driver's license, and some clerical experience. You'll also need an adequate level of social skills and interact well with different types of people.

A well-fit body is essential.

To be a successful escort must be in good physical shape. An escort who is successful should have an hourglass-shaped body or an androgynous one. A good escort diet is essential for success. An active lifestyle is important.

You should also get plenty of rest. The average person works eight hours per day, so getting at minimum six hours of rest will keep you energized throughout the day. If you're feeling tired, take a short nap. A half-hour nap is the best option and will prevent you from staying up later than you normally would. A positive attitude will also help you stay fit.

Friendly personality

One of the most important aspects to be an escort is to be pleasant to the eye. A good escort must be courteous and should not rush a client. They should be able to distract the client from their personal problems.

It is possible to differentiate escort work and real life

As an escort, you have to be able distinguish between your "escort" life and your "real life". This can be a challenge but it is essential to keep the balance between work and personal life in the right place. This requires you to be familiar with the industry and its rivals.

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