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Installation errors

Product installation requires Creative Cloud. It is downloaded for free from the official site.

If a corruption is reported, you must disable Gatekeeper.

If macOS detects a problem with an app—for example, malicious content or modifications made after it's been reviewed—you'll get a notification when you try to open the app and a prompt to move it to the Trash.
As a rule, warez - hacked applications fall under this category. Running such applications is impossible without bypassing the Quarantine function, or disabling Gatekeeper technology, which ensures that only trusted software runs on a Mac computer.

Disabling Gatekeeper

Running a corrupted application is impossible without bypassing the Quarantine function, or disabling Gatekeeper, a technology that ensures that only trusted software runs on a Mac computer.

Solution (option 1).

This option allows you to bypass Quarantine for a specific application. Note that the command includes the path to the application, or image (.dmg).
This procedure is often referred to as "de-quarantine".

1. Launch the "Terminal" utility.

This is a standard utility that does not need to be installed additionally. The terminal can be found via Spotlight.

2. Use the command: sudo xattr -r -d put a space and drag the corrupted program or image (.dmg) into the Terminal window. The team will sign up.

2.1 Or use the command: sudo xattr -r -c put a space and drag the corrupted program or image (.dmg) into the Terminal window. The team will sign up.
Usually it is enough to use only the first command, but there are situations when executing it does not help, unlike executing the second one.

3. Press Enter and enter the Administrator password.

The password is not displayed when entered into the Terminal, but is entered.

If a password is not set, create it.

4. Proceed to launch the damaged program.

Wait for the check to complete and you will be able to open it.

The verification time can take up to 30 minutes.

Solution (option 2).

This command will disable Gatekeeper, i.e. restore the settings that allow the use of programs downloaded from Any source in System Preferences / Security and Protection.

1. Launch the "Terminal" utility.

2. Use command: sudo spctl --master-disable

You don't need to drag anything to the Terminal. To enable Gatekeeper, replace "disable" with "enable".

3. Press Enter and enter the Administrator password.

4. Proceed to launch the damaged program.

You can read more about gatekeeper at or or
You can read more about extended attributes and the xattr command on or or
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Regards; Team

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