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This may be the healing enables us to see stillness and peace. The little voices folks inner demons no longer drown the actual song of our angels, our better selves. In Healing traditions, this is viewed as sourcing from Spirit, or God, maybe the Universe. May hear better levels, kind of like a violin or harp, given that the loud music recently been turned down inside.

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How much richer life can be when we all open to Mystery. But to do this, we must be brave warriors for this spirit, with creativity, both our fire and our sword. Creative Soul Works as being a community this we support each other as we journey into the outer worlds unseen worlds to recover sacred education. We support each other despite our fears and insecurities. We guide one another as we reclaim the role of mediator between the worlds.

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Buddha found enlightenment by inverting within . Christ has said, "The Kingdom of heaven is by you. "The Muslim and the Judeo-Christian scriptures speak of prophets who communed with God. Mystics from every religious tradition have described their inner spiritual experience. They have spoken of heavenly realms that co-exist at a time physical region. These are realms of joy and love which are within folks. They are regions of peace and bliss beyond period and space. We simply cannot change education nature in the world, but we becomes attuned towards the worlds lying within north american. In order to to find peace ultimately world, should first find it within in our own right. We can do this vehicle our perspective in everyday.

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