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Azeroth Interrupted - the Couple who Plays Together, Stays Together

First of all, I'd like to apologize for the lack of column last week. Although I'm adept at managing WoW with real life, I'm not the best at managing illnesses. I'm feeling a lot better and am eagerly anticipating a WoW date with my husband after not having played for a week.

Are you smiling right now? Do you think that virtual romantic experiences are a bit nerdy? Gabe will have a debate with you if that playing video games makes you a geek. Those of us who are comfortable with our geekiness will be waiting when you return. Whatever the dork factor, sharing any hobby is a great method to keep a friendship in place, especially when the hobby is as time consuming as WoW could be.

Today we're talking about long-term couples, not couples who are just starting an affair -- WoW dating is a different topic which I will discuss in a future column. I've previously discussed getting a girlfriend/wife to play WoW, so this article is for couples that already play WoW. I'm not saying that WoW dates should replace romantic dinners and other traditional activities for couples. However, romantic "outings" in WoW are a fun, low-cost way to complement the other activities couples do to keep things interesting. Spend your quality time together any way you like However, it's recommended to be mindful of the basics to get the most out of it:

Make an Appointment Plan the date and time in advance and don't be late. Both of you will love having something to look forward too and the flexibility to plan around the time. Don't "play it by the ear". This can make the person who's ready to help feel neglected while they wait for other person to be "available".

Choose the content before you plan the time: You don't want to spend your time deciding what to do. You don't want to wait until the last minute to decide. One of you may be feeling the urge to level up alts, while the other may be more inclined to play PvP. If you make a decision in advance you'll not be influenced by whims of the moment and you are much less likely to ruin your time by arguing. Two's company: Make it just the two of you. All about wow private servers You'll want to separate this time from the time you spend with other friends and guild events you can participate in. You can make characters on separate servers to ensure that you do not alienate your guildmates or other online friends. This will also help keep you in good standing with your guild leader in the event that he or she requires all guild members online to participate in whatever event is currently scheduled.

Do not forget to do your in-game chores at least an hour before your date. This is meant to be time spent together playing without checking the mail or checking your mail or getting your character to the specified questing area. If you complete your chores an hour before your scheduled time, you won't need to wait for hearthstone timers and other goodies to arrive in the mail. This brings us to...

Send an item of gift! (optional) You can leave an attractive, romantic or cute note waiting to be delivered to your loved one in his/her mailbox. This is not required in the event of a recent fight or in the event that one of you committed a mistake. If you're the kind of guy who brings flowers and other gifts to your first dates, this is highly recommended as it will remind her of the feelings she felt when you were first finding love. Although in-game gifts aren't costly (or should they) however, they are just as meaningful as any other kind of gift for a hobby. Your husband might be interested in the alchemy recipe he's looking at in the AH and your dad could appreciate an upgrade to a pair or two of golf shoes. Personally, I am awestruck by the Golden Dragonhawk Hatchling my spousal unit gave me and have an original in my bank. The note and present will not last longer than my desire to play WoW however, chocolates or flowers will last for a longer time. Mmmmm chocolate.

These simple steps will ensure that your date-night playtime similar to the quality of a traditional date. This will allow you to have a different experience with WoW every time and make it exciting. Next week, we will discuss a reader's successful story of playing WoW with his wife (and any other stories that I may receive hint hint) and in future columns I will be discussing the strategies of working around different play-styles of couples.

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