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Leo Sun and Leo Moon Understood
If your Sun and Moon are aligned in a harmonious way, you will have an impressive presence in your life. This combination will give rise to a strong desire to gain others' approval. However, you'll also be in a constant need of validation. This combination of your energy and need can make it difficult for you to concentrate on anything other than your own desires.

The people born under this mix tend to be hardworking and will not accept anything less than the best. They cannot afford to be comfortable and will use this to push their work load. Additionally, those with the first disposition of Sun and Moon in Leo have a strong passion and energy that makes them great leaders.

Leos can also be extremely outgoing. They are open-minded, and willing to share their talents. Leo moon people might feel that they are entitled to be rulers but they are always learning to manage their behavior. A Leo is often outgoing and easy to connect with, but it can be difficult to get them to follow your direction.

Both the Leo moon and sun are highly emotional. While the Leo moon is more self-centered than the Gemini moon, it has an inherent ability to take care of others. This makes it ideal to build romantic relationships and friendships. Leo Sun and Leo Moon born under the Leo moon and sun typically have a turbulent emotional experience.

A Leo moon can be a sign of both love and money. Expect to be spoilt if you are married to a Leo man. He will spend a lot of time on you. A Leo man is extravagant and generous and have an outgoing nature.

People born under the Leo Sun and Moon are extremely creative and extroverted. Although they can be bossy and require a feeling of love, Leos are charismatic and extremely likable. This combination will bring out a vibrant and sunny disposition. You will find it difficult to be ignored.

The Leo Moon is less flamboyant than the Leo Sun. They may feel strong, but they are less certain about their goals. They are more likely to focus on their emotional strength. They may be less likely to be a leader, however, they are capable of controlling others. They are strong but will also enjoy playing.

People born under the Leo moon and sun can be generous to those around them However, you must be careful not to take advantage of them. People born under the moon and sun of Leo are often viewed as being a victim but they can be great friends and blessings. Beware of their assertive personality. You will have to learn to accept their passion. You may also have to make concessions with them.

Leo moon and sun can add spark to your relationships. Leos have a lot of energy and are prone to being the center of attention. They are competitive and want to be the boss. They can be a little discontent, which will make them focus more on themselves. Leos believe in their higher calling.
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