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1. Global Divides: NOrth and South. The "double divide" is caused by political power, economic dependency, and import/exportation of resources. The transition of industrial production to cheaper labor sources, international media, and expanding international trade and communication have in some ways made the world smaller, but also made the gaps between nations larger.
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2. Modernization theorists' ideas are rooted in the functionalist perspective of inequality. This theory believes that poverty is a basic human condition: so all countries were poor to begin with. The first countries to adopt modern technologies, attitudes, and institutions will in turn be the most wealthy and successful.
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2.1According to dependency theorists, the factor that mainly drives the "double divide" is colonial imperialism that exploits poor countries by excessive exportation of resources, taking additional profits, and controlling through neocolonialism. Poor countries are dependent on more powerful countries due to debt, foreign aid and domination by the more powerful governments using economic and cultural influences. This theory counters the modernization theory in that poverty is not the fundamental human condition; it is created as a result of capitalism, imperialism, and neocolonialism.
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The IMF and World Bank are the leaders of neoclassical economics that believe in structural adjustment. Neoclassical economics promotes that some of the main factors associated with the gaps in equality are driven by governmental corruption, nepotism, and bureaucracy.
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Neoliberals want to uphold individual rights, but are not as supportive of group rights. In contrast, world systems theorists believe advancement is determined by the "core centers of power" like the United States.
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This theory states the only way for inequality to cease is for global capitalism to be "overturned or radically altered" (Sernau, 69).
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Pascale defines "hegemonic systems" as social processes that reinforce inequalities in a more subtle way compared to the more upfront forces like formal laws and physical force that were historically behind the creation of frequalities.
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These social processes create a culture that is based upon the beliefs and values of the dominant group and require the subordinate group to internalize and accept the processes. By making hegemonic systems less ordinary, it requires ordinary people to begin to look at social processes with a critical eye and ask why. Hegemonic systems are successful when they become commonplace and ordinary people do not question their legitimacy.

In 1861, the Civil War erupted between the two sides, and much of the conflict surrounded regional differences. Slavery and Free Blacks The major difference between the North and the South - and the one most responsible for the Civil War - was the institution of slavery. In the North, many blacks were free, and in states such as Massachusetts, New York and Ohio, 100 percent of the black population was free.

In the states of the Confederacy, by contrast, few blacks were free. Virginia had the highest ratio of free blacks to slaves, but even there only 9 percent of the state's black population was free. By the beginning of the Civil War, only one-ninth of the United States' industrial capacity was situated in the South.

By contrast, 80 percent of Southerners were employed in agriculture, compared to just 40 percent in the North in 1860.
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