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An AI was Taught to Play Minecraft with 70,000 Hours Of YouTube Videos IGN

OpenAI The artificial intelligence research company founded by Elon Musk, has trained an AI to play Minecraft almost as well as humans. It only took 70,000 hours of binging YouTube videos.
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The blog post explains how researchers used "Video Pretraining" (VPT), to train a neural network to play Minecraft. This included collecting 22,000 hours of data from real people playing Minecraft. It also included exact keypresses, mouse movements, and raw video.

The researchers then developed an inverse dynamics (IDM) which could predict the future actions that would occur at every stage of the videos. The "trained IDM" was shown the 70,000 hours of Minecraft YouTube videos. The model was able copy the behaviors of the videos, which included cutting down trees to collect logs and making logs into a crafting table.

This isn't all the AI model could do. It also could perform more complex tasks such as swimming, hunting or eating. AIs can also perform "pillar jumping" which involves keeping yourself in the air by continuously jumping and putting a block under yourself.

The researchers were able to create a "foundation model" that was based on the information provided to the AI and from there fine-tune actions or develop new ones. The AI was able build stone and wooden tools, raid chests, and even shelters.

The more hours of data that are fed into the model that is the foundation the better able the AI was. Researchers even utilized reinforcement learning to reward the AI for performing difficult tasks. The reward system was utilized effectively that the AI was able successfully design a diamond pickaxe, a task that requires an extensive sequence of tasks.

This is a great example of machine learning, and shows how gaming can be used to train computers. Perhaps the AI model used could be incorporated into games themselves to give players an experience that is more natural to playing against human opponents.

The AI can also be improved upon the gruelling boss battles that are part of the new Outriders Worldslayer campaign. In many ways, the latest expansion for Outriders is exactly what fans want, but also keeps some of the less well-received aspects of the original game.

David Matthews is a freelance writer who specializes in consumer technology and gaming. He also believes that sugar shouldn't be a part of the food chain in grits.

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