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#########################Slow Internet#############################################

Harjot Singh06 15:12:
Wonderful Evening! Thank you contacting Xfinity Chat Support. Feel free to call me Harjot. May I know the first and last name of the awesome customer I am assisting and your concern please?
Saravjeet Singh 15:22:
Hi I am Rebecca Phillips
Harjot Singh06 15:23:
Hello Rebecca welcome to chat, how may I assist you today.
Saravjeet Singh 15:23:
My internet is not steady
Harjot Singh06 15:26:
Okay, I can understand as a customer at some point internet is the basic necessity for daily life, please share your full address with zip code so that I can pull your account.
Saravjeet Singh 15:26:
119 Cherryfield Ln, Savannah, GA 31419
Harjot Singh06 15:27:
Great, thanks for putting effort on chat.
Please allow me 1-2 min while I am pulling your account.
Saravjeet Singh 15:28:
okay sure
Harjot Singh06 15:29:
As I check I need to authenticate you so, could you please confirm the last 4 digits of the stored payment method
Saravjeet Singh 15:30:
why is it required
I shared the address already
Harjot Singh06 15:31:
So I as I checked you come to chat as unverified so for verification I want your last 4 digits of the stored payment method.
Saravjeet Singh 15:32:
Harjot Singh06 15:33:
Thank you for authenticating yourself.
Saravjeet Singh 15:36:
Harjot Singh06 15:37:
May I know since how long you are facing this issue.
Saravjeet Singh 15:37:
4 days
Harjot Singh06 15:38:
Okay, please confirm that you are facing issue from this address 119 Cherryfield Ln, Savannah, GA 31419.
Saravjeet Singh 15:39:
Harjot Singh06 15:39:
May I place this chat on hold while I look for the required information.
In the mean time you can tell how's the weather?
Saravjeet Singh 15:39:
okay ,yes its sunny here
Harjot Singh06 15:41:
Here also the weather is sunny.
So, are you enjoying it.
Saravjeet Singh 15:41:
isnt it night there in india ?
Harjot Singh06 15:41:
No I am not from Indaia
Saravjeet Singh 15:41:
Harjot Singh06 15:42:
Right now I'm communicating with your device to pull your wireless information and network names. This generally only takes a few minutes and I'll continue to update you on progress.
Saravjeet Singh 15:42:
Okay sure
Harjot Singh06 15:43:
As you are facing this issue I would like to suggest you can use Xfinity hotspot app it will allow you to use internet while your gateway is not working you can download this app from app/play store and sign-in using your xfinity id. It will help you to use internet while connectivity issue.
Saravjeet Singh 15:44:
Okay sure
will use it from next time
Harjot Singh06 15:45:
I'd like to run a check to look at the various wireless devices currently and recently connected to your Wireless Gateway. This will allow me to see the type of device, brand, model, and device MAC. Is that okay? Do I have your permission to view your connected devices?
Saravjeet Singh 15:45:
Okay you can
Harjot Singh06 15:46:
Thank you for confirming that.
Will you please check your modem is it on or is it off or its flashing.
Saravjeet Singh 15:50:
its off
Harjot Singh06 15:52:
Okay, Thank you for putting yours efforts, I truly appreciate it.
Could you please confirm the power cord is plugged in between the device and the wall and please confirm device is not plugged into a switched outlet or power strip?
Saravjeet Singh 15:54:
Okay yes it is directly to the outlet , no strips
Harjot Singh06 15:54:
Okay thank you for confirming that.
Okay now I am trying to communicate with your system it may take couple of minutes while this your gateway may restart multiple time so please be patient.
Saravjeet Singh 15:56:
Harjot Singh06 15:58:
Could you please confirm that your network is steady now as I complicated the troubleshooting and now could you please check that your internet speed from .com.
Saravjeet Singh 16:01:
The speed shows just 50 mbps
Harjot Singh06 16:03:
Okay thank you for confirming that I really appreciate your efforts in the chat.
As I done with all the required remote troubleshooting but the issue isn't resolved, so I want to assign you a technician for restoration of your internet service for this.
For this could you please share your mobile number on which technician can contact you?
Saravjeet Singh 16:05:
Harjot Singh06 16:05:
Thank you for sharing that.
Please be on hold will I am appointing a technician for you.
Thank you for being on hold I truly appreciate your time and effor.
As I check the best available technician for you is on Wednesday 9/28 on 12-2 pm is it comfortable for you.
Saravjeet Singh 16:08:
yes that will be good
Harjot Singh06 16:08:
Thank you for confirming that and putting effort in the chat.
So I have appointed the technician to restoration of your internet service technician is appointed on wed 9/28 at 12-2 pm, and your tech id is CR100421655.
During tech visit there must be anyone who is above 18 must present at home and you will receive updates about the appointment via text to the mobile phone number.
In addition, the you can subscribe to alerts via MyAccount online, the MyAccount Mobile App, and also on the X1 TV Box should they need to make any changes to their scheduled trouble call.
Saravjeet Singh 16:12:
okay thats awesome
Harjot Singh06 16:12:
Is there anything else I can help you with as I do not wanted to complete this chat without addressing all of your concerns?
Saravjeet Singh 16:14:
That will be all
Harjot Singh06 16:14:
Thank you for connecting the Xfinity chat may have great day ahead.
Saravjeet Singh 16:15:
Harjot Singh06 16:15:

############################Internet On off Situation ##################################

Harjot Singh06 09:33:
Wonderful Evening! Thank you contacting Xfinity Chat Support. Feel free to call me Harjot. May I know the first and last name of the awesome customer I am assisting and your concern please?
Saravjeet Singh 09:35:
Hi I am Ben Tyler
Harjot Singh06 09:35:
Hello Ben, welcome to chat, how I assist you today.
Saravjeet Singh 09:37:
I've been a Comcast customer for 2.5 years, and use Xfinity Internet, Xfinity Video, and Xfinity Voice in my home. I live with my partner and our three school-aged children. I work from home, and my kids are currently attending school virtually from home - so we've been relying on our Xfinity services a lot lately! I'm contacting Comcast today because I've been experiencing problems with my internet this morning while I've been working. Sometimes my internet feels slow. There are times where it goes really fast, usually late at night, but most times it goes slow and causes a lot of delay for me and the kids. It's really starting to cause some problems for me, as I haven't been able to join a few conference calls for work, and my kids are getting kicked out of their virtual classrooms.
Harjot Singh06 09:38:
Thank you for being with comcast for 2.5 years, I apologize for the inconvenience. As I am customer myself and I know that it is definitely not a good situation to be in. Please be assured, I am here to help you.
Saravjeet Singh 09:38:
Harjot Singh06 09:39:
May I know since how long you are facing this issue.
Saravjeet Singh 09:40:
its been 4 days today
Harjot Singh06 09:40:
Please confirm that you are facing issue from this address 123 Comcast Street, Philadelphia, PA 12345.
Saravjeet Singh 09:41:
Yes correct thats the one
Harjot Singh06 09:42:
Thank you for confirming that.
Saravjeet Singh 09:42:
Harjot Singh06 09:42:
May I place this chat on hold while I look for the required information.
In the mean time you can tell how's your weekend?
Saravjeet Singh 09:44:
Its was fun
Harjot Singh06 09:44:
I am trying to communicate with your system it may take couple of minutes while this your gateway may restart multiple time so please be patient.
Please do not press the back button and also avoid using other applications for us to stay connected without any interruption.
As you are facing this issue I would like to suggest you can use Xfinity hotspot app it will allow you to use internet while your gateway is not working you can download this app from app/play store and sign-in using your xfinity id. It will help you to use internet while connectivity issue.
Saravjeet Singh 09:47:
Okay noted
Harjot Singh06 09:48:
Will you please check your modem is it on or is it off or its flashing.
Saravjeet Singh 09:50:
Harjot Singh06 09:50:
okay, Thank you for your efforts, I truly appreciate it.
Saravjeet Singh 09:51:
Harjot Singh06 09:52:
Please confirm power cord is plugged in between the device and the wall and please confirm device is not plugged into a switched outlet or power strip?
Saravjeet Singh 09:53:
okay yes it plugged safely
Harjot Singh06 09:54:
Okay great.
Harjot Singh06 09:56:
Please check the coaxial cable at the wall plate and check the coaxial cable at the Internet device and adjust splitter if applicable and please also ensure device is located at originally installed outlet.
Saravjeet Singh 09:59:
Yes all wires and plugged in , and no splitter
Harjot Singh06 10:00:
Okay great.
Will you please remove the power cord from the wall outlet, remove the battery if applicable and wait 15 seconds, then reinsert battery and plug it back in.
Would you please remove the power cord from the wall outlet, remove the battery if applicable and wait 15 seconds, then reinsert battery and plug it back in.
Harjot Singh06 16:11:
Saravjeet Singh 16:11:
Okay did that
still not working
Harjot Singh06 16:13:
Please be on hold as I am now trying to connecting to the server and sending signals through it. It may take coupe of minutes and your gateway may restart, so wait and please be patient.
Saravjeet Singh 16:14:
yes okay
Harjot Singh06 16:14:
Thank you.
Harjot Singh06 16:20:
Thank you for being on hold I really appreciate your time and patient.
As I completed all the required remote troubleshooting would you confirm that is your internet service get restored?
Saravjeet Singh 16:23:
Well No luck yet
Harjot Singh06 16:23:
As I done with all the required remote troubleshooting but the issue isn't resolved, so I want to assign you a technician for restoration of your internet service for this I required your mobile number on which technician can contact you.
Saravjeet Singh 16:24:
Harjot Singh06 16:27:
Could you please share your best contact number on which technician can contact you.
Saravjeet Singh 16:28:
Harjot Singh06 16:28:
Thank you for sharing you mobile number please be on hold will I am appointing a technician for you.
Harjot Singh06 16:31:
As I check the best available technician for you is on Wednesday 9/28 on 12-2 pm is it comfortable for you.
Saravjeet Singh 16:32:
Okay go ahead
Harjot Singh06 16:33:
Thanks for confirmation.
Harjot Singh06 16:40:
So I have appointed the technician to restoration of your internet service technician is appointed on wed 9/28 at 12-2 pm, for this anyone who is above 18 must present at home and your tech id is CR100421655 and you will receive updates about the appointment via text to the mobile phone number. In addition, the you can subscribe to alerts via MyAccount online, the MyAccount Mobile App, and also on the X1 TV Box should they need to make any changes to their scheduled trouble call.
Saravjeet Singh 16:40:
Okay great
Harjot Singh06 16:40:
Is there anything else I can help you with as I do not wanted to complete this chat without addressing all of your concerns?
Saravjeet Singh 16:41:
That was all
Harjot Singh06 16:42:
Thank you for connecting the Xfinity chat may have great day ahead.
Saravjeet Singh 16:42:
Harjot Singh06 16:42:

#################################Bill Description####################################

Harjot Singh06 4:21 PM:
Wonderful Evening! Thank you contacting Xfinity Chat Support. Feel free to call me Harjot. May I know the first and last name of the awesome customer I am assisting and your concern please?
Saravjeet Singh 4:26 PM:
Hi , I am Albertha Hagenes
Harjot Singh06 4:26 PM:
Hello Albertha, welcome to chat, how i assist you today.
Saravjeet Singh 4:27 PM:
I need to check what services am I paying for and how much ?
Harjot Singh06 4:28 PM:
May I place this chat on hold while I look for the required information.
Saravjeet Singh 4:28 PM:
Harjot Singh06 4:29 PM:
Thank you for being on hold please share your full address with zip code.
Saravjeet Singh 4:31 PM:
1409 Comcast Ct Bldg Trn Ste 3191, Crystal Lake, IL 60014
Harjot Singh06 4:32 PM:
Thank you for putting efforts please wait until I pull your account.
I appreciate you for being on hold.
I need to verify your yours account Please confirm the account number.
Saravjeet Singh 4:33 PM:
i dont have that .
Harjot Singh06 4:34 PM:
I want it to do your account verification, you can get your account number on your previous bills.
Saravjeet Singh 4:35 PM:
Harjot Singh06 4:35 PM:
I can understand it is not easy to recall account number always but there is no other option to do authentication.
Saravjeet Singh 4:36 PM:
No issue , I will provide
Harjot Singh06 4:37 PM:
Great I really appreciate your efforts you are putting in it.
Please be on hold until I'll provide you required information.
Saravjeet Singh 4:37 PM:
Yes Please
Harjot Singh06 4:38 PM:
Please do not press the back button and also avoid using other applications for us to stay connected without any interruption.
Saravjeet Singh 4:38 PM:
Harjot Singh06 4:39 PM:
Thanks for verifying it, as i can see you are subscribed for fast internet service with 600 mbps of downloading speed and 20 mbps of uploading speed.
For this you are charge $89.00
Saravjeet Singh 4:40 PM:
that;s it ? is it only $89 ?
Harjot Singh06 4:42 PM:
You are paying $14.00 for modem.
Saravjeet Singh 4:44 PM:
so what is my total ?
Harjot Singh06 4:44 PM:
Your total bill is $103.00
Saravjeet Singh 4:46 PM:
ok Got it .
Harjot Singh06 4:46 PM:
Is there anything else I can help you with as I do not wanted to complete this chat without addressing all of your concerns?
Saravjeet Singh 4:48 PM:
no that was all
Harjot Singh06 4:49 PM:
As I seen you have subscribed for internet I want to suggest you one feature of xfinity.
Are you intrested
Saravjeet Singh 4:52 PM:
Harjot Singh06 4:52 PM:
Harjot Singh06 4:54 PM:
There is xfinity hotspot app in which you can find your nearest hotspot and connect it while you are travelling, you can download it from app/play store and logiin using yur Xfinity id and enjoy data while travelling.
Saravjeet Singh 4:55 PM:
okay fantastic
Harjot Singh06 4:56 PM:
And you can also fins your account related details using xfinity my account app download it from app/play store sign-in using xfinity id there you can see your account details and pay for bills and much more.
Is there anything else I can help you with as I do not wanted to complete this chat without addressing all of your concerns?
Saravjeet Singh 4:58 PM:
That was al
Harjot Singh06 4:58 PM:
It is pleasure to chat with customer like you Albertha. You have shown utmost cooperation and it is heartwarming.
Saravjeet Singh 4:58 PM:
Harjot Singh06 4:58 PM:
Thanks for connecting Xfinity chat have a great day.

####################################Conversation With Shivpreet Sir######################

Harjot Singh06 14:19:
Wonderful Evening! Thank you contacting Xfinity Chat Support. Feel free to call me Harjot. May I know the first and last name of the awesome customer I am assisting and your concern please?
Shivpreet Singh 14:25:
Hi My name is Albertha Hagenes and I want to know about my current package
Harjot Singh06 14:26:
Hello Albertha, welcome to chat.
Shivpreet Singh 14:27:
Thank you
Harjot Singh06 14:28:
May I place this chat on hold while I look for the required information.
Shivpreet Singh 14:28:
Harjot Singh06 14:29:
Okay got it can you share your full address with zip code.
Shivpreet Singh 14:31:
1409 Comcast Ct Bldg Trn Ste 3191, Crystal Lake, IL 60014

Harjot Singh06 14:32:
I need to verify your yours account Please confirm the account number.
Shivpreet Singh 14:37:
Harjot Singh06 14:38:
Thanks for verifying it, allow me 1-2 minutes to provide you required information.
Please do not press the back button and also avoid using other applications for us to stay connected without any interruption.
Shivpreet Singh 14:42:
Harjot Singh06 14:42:
Thank you for being on hold I really appreciate you for your time and patience.
Albertha, you have subscribed for fast internet package with 600 mbps of downloading speed and 20 mbps of uploading speed.
And you have cable package.
Shivpreet Singh 14:48:
Harjot Singh06 14:49:
Is there anything else I can help you with as I do not wanted to complete this chat without addressing all of your concerns?
Shivpreet Singh 14:53:
How much am i paying for it
Harjot Singh06 14:55:
Please allow me 1-2 minutes to provide you required information.
In the mean time you can tell how's your day spent.
Thank you for being on hold I really appreciate you for your time and patience.
As I checked you are paying total $103.00 in which $89.00 for internet service and $14.00 for cable that you have subscribed for.
Harjot Singh06 11:46:
Wonderful Evening! Thank you contacting Xfinity Chat Support. Feel free to call me Harjot. May I know the first and last name of the awesome customer I am assisting and your concern please?
Shivpreet Singh 11:47:
Marlyne Joseph
Harjot Singh06 11:48:
Hello Marlyne, welcome to chat, how i assist you today.
Shivpreet Singh 11:52:
Thank you just need little information about my Xfinity account.
Harjot Singh06 11:54:
Shure. I'll provide you what information you needed first let me confirm your complete address with zip code.
So that I could pull your account.
Shivpreet Singh 11:57:
4340 19th Ave Sw, Naples, FL 34116

Harjot Singh06 11:58:
Thank you for putting efforts please wait until I pull your account.
In the mean time you can tell how's the weather there.
Harjot Singh06 12:02:
Thanks you for being on hold I really appreciate you for your time and patience.
I need to authenticate you Please confirm the last 4 digits of the stored payment method.
Shivpreet Singh 12:06:
I dont remember it
Harjot Singh06 12:07:
So do you have your mobile number ending with 0154
Shivpreet Singh 12:12:
Harjot Singh06 12:16:
Marlyne for authentication you have to provide me your register email that is attached with your account ending with [email protected].
Shivpreet Singh 12:21:
I don't have it.
Harjot Singh06 12:22:
Okay, then Please confirm your account number.
I can understand it is not easy to recall account number always but there is no other option to do authentication.
Shivpreet Singh 12:30:
I got it
Harjot Singh06 12:31:
Thanks for verifying it.
So tell me what kind or information you are seeking from your xfinity account.
Shivpreet Singh 12:33:
What have I subscribed to and how much it's costing me?
Harjot Singh06 12:34:
May I place this chat on hold while I look for the required information.
In the mean time you can tell how's your day spent so far.
Please do not press the back button and also avoid using other applications for us to stay connected without any interruption.
Shivpreet Singh 12:36:
Harjot Singh06 12:42:
You have subscribed for fast internet package with 300 mbps of downloading speed and 10 mbps of uploading speed and you also subscribed for cable with ultimate TV service with 185+ channels benefits
For this you are paying $90 for TV and $89 for internet.
Harjot Singh06 12:46:
$31.00 for Equipment, $31.10 service fee, $20 onetime charges, $11.64 taxes, and you are getting $79.00 discount -$20.00 is balance forward
Shivpreet Singh 12:46:
Harjot Singh06 12:47:
After all that your total is $170.11
Is there anything else I can help you with as I do not wanted to complete this chat without addressing all of your concerns?
Shivpreet Singh 12:48:
When is my contract expiring
Harjot Singh06 12:50:
May I place this chat on hold while I look for the required information.
In the mean time you can tell how's your day spent so far.
Shivpreet Singh 12:54:
Day has been good
Harjot Singh06 12:55:
Harjot Singh06 12:58:
Thanks you for being on hold I really appreciate you for your time and patience.
As I checked you have 12 month contract which is ending on 20th of feb 2023.
Shivpreet Singh 13:00:
Harjot Singh06 13:05:
You can also try check for service outages, pay bills, manage your account online - all on the Xfinity My Account app. The app is exclusively for Xfinity customers and available on Google/Apple Store. If you have not used it, I would recommend to give it a try and you will find it easy & convenient to manage your Xfinity account.
Shivpreet Singh 13:06:
ok I'll try it later.
Harjot Singh06 13:06:
All you need is Xfinity User ID & Password to login. It is easy to troubleshoot, when you have time visit the page
Is there anything else I can help you with as I do not wanted to complete this chat without addressing all of your concerns?
Harjot Singh06 13:11:
Marlyne as I checked you have subscribed for Internet service I would suggest you to use Xfinity hotspot app.
Xfinity has millions of Wi-Fi hotspots throughout our service area to make sure you’re always connected. These hotspots give you fast, convenient Wi-Fi and can be accessed using Xfinity User ID & Password when you see Network Name Xfinity Wi-Fi on your device.
Save on your cellular data and stay connected with our Xfinity Hotspot services. To know more about Xfinity hotspots, please have a look at the link when you have time,
You may take advantage of our Xfinity Hotspot. The Xfinity Hotspots can definitely save your day as it's available and free nationwide. You can connect any of your devices by connecting to "xfinitywifi" and just by logging in using your Xfinity username and password.
Shivpreet Singh 13:12:
Am I on for paperless billing and auto debit?
Harjot Singh06 13:13:
Yes you have subscribed for it.
Shivpreet Singh 13:13:
How much discount am i getting for it?
Harjot Singh06 13:15:
You are getting $10.00 discount for paperless billing and auto debit.
Is there anything else I can help you with as I do not wanted to complete this chat without addressing all of your concerns?
Shivpreet Singh 13:17:
How many cable boxes do I have on my account?
Harjot Singh06 13:19:
You opted for 2 standard TV cable boxes.
Harjot Singh06 13:24:
Harjot Singh06 13:39:
Is there anything else I can help you with as I do not wanted to complete this chat without addressing all of your concerns?
Shivpreet Singh 13:50:
No that woudl be all
Harjot Singh06 13:51:
May I know how often you would you like to travel?
May I know how often you would like to travel?
Shivpreet Singh 13:53:
Customer disconnected**
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