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Hands-on: Crackdown 2's first Missions

Crackdown 2's initial mission is quite simple. The Agency has created a weapon called "Sunburst Defense System" that will swiftly eliminate Pacific City, California of all its mutant inhabitants. gaming It melts them in a vampire-like fashion under artificial sunlight. To locate the freak hot zones (various underground breeding areas for the infected humans) Agents must turn on several beacons to triangulate the exact locations on which the Sunburst weapon is to be placed. Unfortunately, a terrorist group known as "The Cell" is defending the last beacons, therefore it's your job -- a new generation clone soldier -- to seize the beacons and activate the Sunburst Defense System.

Crackdown 2 is a slow-paced sequel to the original sandbox adventure. The introductory plot is very thin and is intended to encourage Agents explore the open terrain of Pacific City, which was devastated by the mysterious illness. The game %Gallery-85271% : Traversing the World has the same feeling like the original game. The players begin as a slow Agent, who acquires abilities by defeating enemies and collecting the game's scattered orbsapproximately 925 orbs to be precise. Orbs can be separated into four categories: standard and rebel agility orbs as well as driving orbs and hidden orbs. It is also necessary to have at least one Xbox Live partner in order to unlock the Xbox Live-only orbs. Crackdown 2 uses a similar HUD tracker system to the inFamous' shard detection system. Tapping up on the D-pad flashes dots of orbs in the player's area on the mini-map.

Player progression has been simplified, too. The experience points can be used to improve abilities , but not to unlock new weapons and vehicles, as they did in the original. Instead, players can select any weapon (including the brand new magnetic grenade) or Agency vehicle from the game's respawn menu.

While players are able to join friends' games at any point but only the host will earn mission progress in the single-player game. Ruffian Games creative Director Billy Tomson explained that this decision was made to ensure that players who leave the host's mission and cause chaos in different zones of the city would not have to stop stories in their single-player games. The host had completed all missions during the game. Players who leave a host's match can take their experience as well as any orbs earned during the match with them. This is a great thing for Crackdown fans.

At an event for previews, I played a chunk of Crackdown 2 at the beginning and I was shocked by how slow the pace was. My fondest memories from the original game consisted of (eventually) jumping into the sky, and taking out enemies with devastating force. The sequel, however, introduces players as a brand-new Agent completely from scratch. It will take a while to regain all the power and then some -- like the new gliding ability -- which players had in the first game.

Contrary to the recently released Just Cause 2, the Sandbox feature of Crackdown 2 doesn't limit the story mode in order to regulate the pace of the gaming experience. Players are free to roam Pacific City and pursue whatever task is most interesting to them at any given time -- knowing that there's always a mission in front of them. The story is much more intriguing than the original game's muddled narrative, but the real draw of Crackdown 2 is the chance to play in its Sandbox. Ruffian Games Crackdown 2 is an excellent snack instead of the main course. This is in contrast to many open-world titles.

Crackdown 2's first mission drags on, but. To activate beacons, players have to climb up to it. Then, they have to repeat the process to locate an area (there are nine) that is hot, and call for a Sunburst weapon drop. Players must fight off the enemies once the weapon has been dropped at the frightening lair. You'll repeat it nine times.

What I do like about Crackdown 2 is the possibility for my character to unlock all of his abilities and grow into a powerful Agent by absorbing the addictive grind mechanics of collecting orbs and battling the masses of freaks who appear at night. Plus, the ability to recruit three companions to help in the mission makes the action-heavy gameplay much more enjoyable. Crackdown 2 is a more difficult game than Dead Rising 2's zombie invasion. However Crackdown 2's many flimsy characters make Crackdown 2 an even more difficult environment to play in.

Crackdown 2 will be available on July 6.

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