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Composition - Bravery

"1. Group leaders come to the front to collect the worksheet. Class, you have half an hour. Finish the worksheet and hand it in." Ms Goh announced. I looked at the worksheet. "Aw, come on! Comprehension again!" I lamented to my best friend Zack. He sighed in agreement and we proceeded to complete our worksheet.
2. "Ms Goh, Zack and I are already done with our worksheets." I told the teacher. "Gary, it has only been 15 minutes. Check your work," Ms Goh replied. "Uh, nothing can get any more boring than this." I told Zack. He stared out of the window saying, "If only something would happen to spice things up."
3. Speak of the devil. The sight of smoke billowing into the sky from the canteen set alarm bells ringing, literally. "Good morning, school. A fire broke out at canteen stall 3. Please gather at the basketball court. This is not a drill. I repeat, this is not a drill." the slightly anxious voice of the principal rang out from the announcement system. Everyone piled out of the door, both scared and excited about the sudden change of events.
4. Not long later, the whole school was seated at the basketball court. "Good job, school. We have gathered here at record timing. Our staff is trying to put out the fire as I speak." the principal said. Suddenly, a gust of wind swept several glowing ashes towards the basketball court. The plants between the canteen and the basketball court caught on fire. "Teachers, we may have to evacuate the school," the principal decided.
5. The strong winds and the numerous plants around the school were not helping. The flames were getting out of control. Everywhere plants caught on fire. Before long, we were almost surrounded by flames. There was only a small path that was not alight and people were rushing to escape along that path. BOOM! Something at the canteen exploded, turning everything into a sea of flames. Fortunately, everyone had exited the school compounds.
6. I sat outside with my class. Looking around, I noticed something, someone was missing. "Help! Help!" I heard an unmistakable voice from the school. It was Zack. I looked at the teachers, who were busy tending to other students' burns. At the corner of my eye, I noticed a red object. A fire extinguisher!
7. I looked at the flames with its lapping tongues of fire, hungry for things to burn. I could make out a human figure wandering in the fire. Zack. I glanced at the fire extinguisher. "Pull out the pin, point at base of fire and squeeze the lever" the words on the red canister seemed to be beckoning me. I was terrified, but I knew I had to be brave.
8. "Zack! I'm coming for you!" I shouted. With the fire extinguisher, I cleared out a path towards Zack. The smoke began to choke me. My eyes filled with tears. My skin started to singe. However, I did not feel the pain. In my mind, I only had one goal, one mission, and that was to save Zack. I had made it in, and I will make it out, I thought. "Gary! Help me!" Zack saw me through the flames and ran towards me. I squirted a little of the fire extinguisher on his clothes to put out the flames. I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the exit.
9. After I told Zack about how I went to save him, he looked at me with tears in his eyes. "You were brave enough to risk your life to save me. Thank you," he whispered. "Nah, it was the least I could do," I replied with a smile. They say that the brave man may die, but he will never say "die." With my bravery and determination, I set my fears aside to rescue my friend.
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