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~Ella's POV~
"I'm sorry but you need to go to school until we go to tour then I'll home school you" Cam said which made me pissed at him he knows that I get bullied at school but he can't do anything about it because 1:people at school will think we're dating because at school my name is Ella Spaees 2:My bully's brother is Cam's old bully. 3:Cam doesn't go to my school. There's 1 good thing about my school and it's that my best friends go there I have 2 friends there names are Danielle Winters and Tyler Winters. They are brother and sister. They don't know that Cam is my brother but once I go to Magcon I'm pretty sure Danielle will go to a event and she will find out because I'm going to Magcon as Ella Dallas not Ella Spaees. As I was walking this really weird thing happened that never happened before..... My bully texted me his name is Landon. When I got the last text he sent to me I had a mini panic attack. He likes me!? As soon as I saw 'I like you' I started running back to Cam's.
~Cam's POV~
"CAMERON!!!!!!" Ella said running into the house. "WHAT!!!!!!" I said coping her "No time for jokes. LANDON LIKES ME!" she screamed worried Landon is her bully and his brother Grant is my old bully. "Is it that bad maybe he'll stop bullying you." I said trying to calm her down before she has a panic attack. "No not really he said he was sorry but still. he likes me the girl with only 2 friends, the outcast" she said "come here now" I said opening my arms. She came over to me and hugged me. It was a calm down hug but of course because I can't do any thing a fan saw us hugging and took a picture and posted it on Instagram my phone started to blow up. Great. (note the sarcasm) the picture made it's way to Twitter instead of the top trend being #WhoIsEllaDallas it was now #Camsmysterygirl I had to clear this up before Ella sees what they are saying and starts cutting again she thinks I don't know about it :/. She started 2 years ago when she started to be bullied by Landon I knew the reason it was because Ella likes/liked Landon's best friend Cole I have no idea if she still likes him or not.
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