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Hurricane Irene Survival Guide: How To Prepare, What To Do, And Other Useful Tips
You will need to check shutters or have plywood ready for the windows if you have no shutters. You may have heard that it is best to put tape on your windows in case of a hurricane. This may help some, but plywood is much safer.

emergency system response Then there is the area of special big jobs. These are the jobs which are only required periodically. Here you offer a year round 'spring' clean service to homes and business customers. Initial cleans are needed prior to occupation of newly built buildings or apartments. Both these services can provide very big jobs for very big incomes. Get your customer to provide equipment and materials needed if you don't want to buy.

There is something exhausting about the storm and aftermath; we're feeling compelled to take naps. By evening, we had a false sense of having been through the worst of it. Unbeknownst to us, the eye of the hurricane was 25 miles off shore of Long Island. As it passed the winds suddenly changed completely- now raging from the west, lifting the waves to incredible heights, sculptured foam fists taking out the 42-foot Chimney Rock below us. The gusts barreling on like a freight train, pounding and whistling all night. At times there was a blinding white-out, reminiscent of Chicago's Big Blizzards.

what to do during a thunderstorm Never use a rough clothe or clothe that may have dirt, dust, or grit on it to clean amber because of its softness. Never use acid to clean amber or wear amber when working with acids since acid will decompose amber. Alcohol and other solvents do not normally affect amber, however, unless it is exposed to them for a long period of time. For this reason, be careful not to leave amber in any cleaning solution, except very briefly. Hair spray and perfume can also affect amber.

Some customers prefer certain name brands to be used in their house. what contractor do roof tarp could have several reasons. Talk to each client if they have any concerns or preferences. Some people have health concerns and prefer to only use brand X as an example. Ask them to have sufficient supplies at hand if they want you to use their supplies. Important Marketing Tip: A special sales pitch could be to advertise that your service options include environmentally friendly cleaning supplies.

However, there are problems if you think you can just open the box and examine the dress. First, you should never touch a cleaned and preserved wedding gown unless you have white cloth gloves on. You may or may not have clean hands, but your hands will have body oils on them and so you need gloves.

Sometimes you just need to get in there and clean and the Army was right, it often takes a toothbrush to do it. Keep a toothbrush around to clean corners of grout, stained tops of woodwork, or any nook and cranny that needs a scrubbing.
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