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The Minecraft Timeline

The story of Minecraft sounds like a great movie script. Notch is the protagonist genius programmer who, starting as an indie, changed the game industry completely by doing what he was passionate about. And he earned lots of money during the process. And , even more when he got fed up with it all and decided to sell Minecraft. Perhaps a film isn't necessary. It's well documented. Most people know the story. A large portion of the story was revealed on the internet. We have the tweets, websites, blogs and blogs. What we don't have is a nice graphic timeline depicting the history (until now).I heard about Minecraft sometime in 2010. I began to become more interested in Minecraft and its creator. Because it was a fantastic story. One man and his computer revolutionized the world. My favorite kinda story! I remember being stunned when Notch entered a game-coding contest and livecaught the entire thing. This was a moment that I still love to the present day. (Mind you, this link is a condensed version of the entire event. It lasted for 48 hours. This guy was something else! The wonders of game design unfolded in front of your eyes. It was too quick to capture all the details, but it gave you a great idea of what's needed to develop games. He and his PC with Java IDE Eclipse Eclipse and These are the same tools he used to create Minecraft. I later discovered, through the contest that there are other talented programmers like him. Not everyone strikes gold. However, many, like Notch and others, aren't because of this.
teamextreme minecraft server

Minecraft is a unique story and I decided to create one.

These are some of the most notable things about this timeline.

- Notch began working on Minecraft just few weeks prior to when he was offered a new job at jAlbum, which is the same software used by this site! - Notch spent the next year working on Minecraft before deciding to quit his job. At the time, around 20.000 copies had been sold! While the game was still in its alpha stage. It was promising to say the least. - The second quarter of 2010 and the first half of 2011 must have been a nightmare. They founded the company around Minecraft: Mojang, hired a lot of employees, made a lot of changes to the game, launched a second game (completely different), talked with Valve and organized MineCon and had an unjustified lawsuit to their name and, in the midst of all that, they sold millions of copies of Minecraft! - A lot of important Minecraft things have happened on June 1, a couple of times in a row (this also happens to be Notch's birthday).

The Minecraft story isn't over yet. Minecraft is obviously very much alive and still breaking records. However, Notch and Minecraft were at one point part of the same story but are now moving in distinct timelines.

Whatever happens the story of Minecraft will continue to be an inspiring tale and its impact on the gaming and entertainment industry will be echoed for many years to come. It's even more special that trough the wonders of Youtube we have this 2009 video.

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