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Benefits Of Having A Cat Bed For Your Cat
My husband was bit and scratched several times as he waved his hand trying to get a feral cat out of a shelter. He ended up in emergency about 15 hours later with a very aggressive infection. He was given high doses of antibiotics for 3 days. If he would have waited until the next day before getting help, the situation could have become very serious for him.

Lighting: Use natural lighting whenever possible. Flash lighting can create "red eye" and will tend to over expose white or light colored pets. Be sure your camera's White Balance option is set to match the type of light you are using. If your indoor shot comes out extremely blue, chances are you have your camera set on "Daylight" rather than "Tungsten". If your outdoor shots come out extremely orange, chances are you have your camera set on "Tungsten" rather than "Daylight". More than one source of light such as 3/4 light plus a little backlighting will give more rounded results. Light only from the front will tend to give your shots a flat look.

cat lovers gift Numerical belt - This device was intended to help you see how much you were losing from your waistline. Sometimes it showed the opposite. Colorful enough for all to see. Great conversation starter.

Cat Lovers Gift Cat accessories: Whether the gift is for a new cat parent or not, the gift of cat essentials is always welcome. Cat essentials include: food and water bowls, litter boxes, scratching posts, and beds - among many other items.

It seems to have so much fun with bubbles. They are fascinated by them. They get to chase them as they float around the room, pop then if they catch them, and even jump on them from high places. If you've never seen a furry little four-legged animal play with bubbles, you've missed a treat.

Present for Cat Lovers Cat calendars: A low cost, yet useful, cat lover gift. There are many options to choose from: from wall calendars to pocket-size calendars, and from customized calendars to magnetic ones.

Cats "mark" who they consider theirs, leaving their scent as a sign of ownership. Smalls glands on cats' heads and cheeks explain why they head-butt or rub the sides of their faces on us. But there are not glands on their tails, so why wrap their tails around us?
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