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This Minecraft Mod YouTuber Turned Bees into Flying Steves

Minecraft mobs are on the overall pretty cute. Sure the Warden is an appearance that only mothers could appreciate, but there's no denying the innate adorability of the Allay. Well, a Minecraft mod YouTuber called RaineyX decided that Minecraft simply wasn't cursed enough, and took it upon them to make it better.

RaineyX creates a number of videos about Minecraft mobs. They often make their appearances more realistic or make them appear as characters from other games. This time around, RaineyX decided that enough was enough. They simply wanted to mess Minecraft up by rewiring all mobs. Some of these are fairly straightforward things, like making the spiders really long; others are more alarming.

Before we get into the ones that make you shiver we'll talk about bees. The first mob RaineyX alters is the humble Minecraft bee. You know, those adorable little creatures that buzz around? Well, they're all Steve now. It's quite bizarre, possibly frightening, and maybe life-changing to witness a swarm of Steves move around. What can we say?

Creepers get a touch of the Pyramid Head treatment, with all of them becoming sentient, walking pyramids. It's not nice and RaineyX thinks, "What's wrong?" From there, you've got skeleton sheep, and an enormous dog named Enderdragon. It's a bizarre series of changes that result in an odd bug that makes the Endermen disappear and the game becomes less winnable.

In spite of all this, the main mob that's still haunting our dreams remains the Minecraft Lego pig from a few months ago. Why is it sporting Lego human hands?! What is it trying to get from us? Why does it come out whenever the lights go out?

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