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Skin care tips for women
Keep SkinAddict at all times. Leaving a pillowcase unwashed can leave your skin with dirt, bacteria, makeup traces, dead skin cells, saliva, and hair product residue. Flip your pillow over once a week and wash it every two weeks to prevent pore-clogging substances from building up.

2. Do not lay in a tanning bed. The effects of hitting a booth, even a few times, can be irreversible, including DNA damage to skin cells. The American Academy of Dermatology estimates that using tanning beds increases your chances of developing melanoma, the most deadly form of skin cancer by 59 percent. A tanning bed accelerates the aging of skin and increases skin cancer risk through the breakdown of collagen, explains Dr. Fusco. It is never a good idea for women to tan if they are trying to achieve great skin.

It is not a good idea to pick at your skin. Ignore that pimple / blackhead / bump. As tempting as it can be, unless it's a clear whitehead (that you can gently remove with two tissues), you're likely to either drive bacteria deeper into your skin, make it more inflamed, and spread more bacteria around it with your fingers and nails. For a red and raised blemish, apply an ice cube for 20-second intervals for a few minutes to bring down the inflammation and then apply a salicylic acid spot treatment and concealer over it.

Make sure your routine includes regular workouts. Exercise can have a positive effect on your skin, mood, and body, as it increases circulation, resulting in a great glow afterward. As an added bonus, sweating can help lower the stress hormone cortisol, which is linked to both skin aging and breakouts.

5. Avoid junk food binges. Here, we aren't talking about eating DC and chips on occasion. Snack machines provide most of your calories, so you'll pay a price. As Dr. Fusco explains, carbs have been linked to skin problems. It has been suggested that sugar, white bread, pasta, cake, and candy may speed up the skin's glycation process. When sugar molecules attach to cells, including those in the skin, they malform them and accelerate the breakdown of collagen. In the mirror, you'll see less radiance, more noticeable lines, and less supple skin. It's also been linked to acne to eat too many carbohydrates and dairy products.

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