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— Mrs. Hudson, the landlady, she’s given me a special deal. Owes me a favor. A few years back her husband got himself sentenced to death in Florida. I was able to help out.
— Sorry, you stopped her husband being executed?
— Oh, no, I ensured it.
From Sherlock Holmes.
Think about it how you want, the topic i chose for the takeaway is "Death penalty". It is quite disputable for a lot of folks. But half of me agree with it. There is no any reason why i took this topic, just interesting for me. So, people with narrow-view probably think of badness when they hear ''death penalty'' but i read it and i was sitting for 30 minutes to think pros and cons of it.
Half of me agree with this punishment, i said above, as a first my argument i will say that the death penalty is more humane than life imprisonment. Isn't it so? In fact, life imprisonment is equal to death penalty just depriving someone's life by time. Vice versa it is waste of everything, money, food, place and so on... Matter of fact, prisoner will be kept until the end of his days at the expense of taxpayers, among whom there may be relatives of his victims. Isn't that fair for others? I do not think so. Last but not least argument is about China. In which today people can be executed not only for brutal murders, but also for bribery or drug trafficking. That is why there is an extremely low percentage of such crimes. No one wants to lose their life just to earn an extra few hundred thousand dollars.
In addition, at the present time, the problem is that the number of people on planet earth is increasing every year and there is not enough space and food for everyone. I mean, getting rid of waste (by this word I mean people who just spend all the resources of humanity without bringing any benefit to humanity, even a smallest one) And taking the lives of cruel people is on the contrary a benefit for the rest of the good, so to speak, people. I would prefer to choose this option. The important thing is, am I worthy of saying this, because, I'm nobody?
Everything has an opposite. No matter is it bad or good, no matter how, but we shall not get rid of this problem, ever!
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