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Okay first off i wanna say that ion think i said i was gonna "harrass" anyone, ik i said id "go after" people but like ion do that either. and when it comes to one's medical history, you're right they don't have to give it but they could still explain that they have some condition or something that forces them to be in that situation, if they don't wanna even say that because or embarrassment, they gotta realize that it's the other person's fault if they make fun of them, as that's the way the person was born or something similar to that, making it unfair to make fun of them for that. secondly, you mentioned me going after people for being fat, however this is not the case, as previously mentioned it's not my job to be the unhealthy habits police, and also, it is based on the assumption that many fat people don't have good eating or exercise habits, which is true. not all, but many show this to be true. i do, however, harbor a philosophy that people frequently should participate in healthy habits and shouldn't participate in the opposite for the most part. i don't not support fat people, i just don't support unhealthy habits, which is usually a common trend among obese people. as for your broken arm analogy, these topics are too different to compare, not to mention, still proves my thinking: - person puts a cast on to heal their arm, promoting something healthy - i don't think badly of this. a fat person exercises to stay healthy - i don't think badly of this. however, a person breaks their arm and does nothing about it? someone sits around all day and isn't being healthy? this, i condone. i do think that it's wrong to smoke, to drink, to not eat enough, to sit around all day. while i never go after these people in any way, i don't for fat people either. unless it is brought up, which brings me to point three: the original purpose of my first comment was not to go after fat people, but more to point out how it's innaccurate to tie fat phobia and ableism together. however, i suppose it is accurate to say that thinking negatively of someone based solely off their weight can be ableist if you aren't aware of anything that causes them to be that way. i simply care about promoting healthy habits, which are commonly not promoted by many fat people. i misunderstood what fatphobia was and thought it was condoning people for being overweight and laziness, which i now realize isn't the case, it's getting upset at people because they're fat, which because they may have a condition, whether medical, financial or whatever else, could be ableist. so therefore because it affects a small group of people fat phobia is in fact ableist, which makes sense, but i guess, what are some more positive ways to promote healthy habits? i suppose you could promote being fit, however people would be upset with that as it's not for some peoples' body to look that way. i guess it's just an unfortunate circumstance tho
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