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How to Find a Reputable Jewelery Repair Service
If you are not an expert at jewelery repair, you may wonder how to find a reliable service and how to avoid problems. This article will discuss the steps involved, the types of repair, and the cost of repairs. You'll also learn how to prevent future issues, and common mistakes to avoid. After reading this article, you'll be more knowledgeable about jewelry repairs. You'll also know what to look for when hiring someone to perform the service.
Cost of repair depends on several factors

The cost of repairing jewelry depends on several factors. Some repairs are simple, while others require more extensive work. Often, the amount of precious metal required to perform the work will determine the cost of the repair. Some stores also require a deposit before beginning the work. Listed below are the factors that impact the cost of jewelry repair. To make the process easy for you, look for an itemized price sheet from the store you are considering.

The type of metal used to make the piece of jewelry will greatly affect the cost of repair. Sterling silver is relatively cheap, and can be repaired quickly. Platinum, on the other hand, is more difficult to work with, so its cost will increase as well. A reputable jeweler will give you a written estimate of the repair costs prior to starting the work. If you're not sure if your jewelery needs repair, check online reviews and ask friends for recommendations.
Time it takes to complete

The process of repairing a jewerly item may take hours or days, depending on the type of jewelry and its specific issues. A simple repair, like restringing a pearl necklace, might take an hour and a half. A clasp repair, on the other hand, may take one to two hours. Jewerly taken to complete the repair may also be affected by factors outside the jeweler's control.

When choosing a jewelry store, you will want to consider the time it will take to complete the repair. Some establishments require more time to complete a repair than others, so be sure to research the time required to fix a specific item. Jewelry stores that are located in malls will have to ship your repair to a third-party establishment, and it can take weeks for it to arrive. On the other hand, independent jewelers will have their own jewelers, which can do simple repairs like resetting loose diamonds or repairing broken chains.
Preventative measures to take

If you need your jewelry fixed, you may want to have it inspected for damage. Some jewelry can be damaged due to improper cleaning or exposure to harsh chemicals. It is important to get your jewelry inspected by a jeweler for damage, so you can ensure that it is not a sign of something major. For instance, you should check for any broken or missing prongs or clasps. Those are signs that your jewelry is not properly secured and needs to be repaired.

Taking preventative measures to protect your jewelry can also prevent the need for an expensive repair. Many jewelers recommend that jewelry owners limit their exposure to air and moisture. Even if their jewelry is affixed to a protective case, they can lose their gemstone prongs and become chipped or broken. Using a toothpick to check if the prongs are secure is another good preventative measure.
Common types of repairs

Prongs are metal pieces that hold gemstones in place. Over time, prongs wear down and can even break. Prong repair is one of the most common types of jewelry repairs. This type of repair involves flattening the damaged prong and re-securing the gemstone. While it will cost some money, this repair can prevent the gemstone from falling out. The prongs of your jewelry can also tear and need to be repaired.

While most common repairs are not difficult, some jewelers are more skilled at more intricate ones. Often, they will send a piece to a more expensive jeweler to complete the repair. This is usually a better option for people who want to save money and do not want to spend much time doing the repairs themselves. However, if you have extensive damage to your jewelry, it is best to seek professional help as soon as possible.
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