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Occupation Research Assignment
Title Page
List the names of the two occupations
Your name
Part A. Occupation Overview.
What is the name of the occupation? Is it know by any other names?
What duties are entailed for this job? Be thorough on answering this.
What are the hours? Is there shift work? Is it seasonal, periodic, continuous?
What is the work environment like? (noise, heat, cold, desk work, outside)?
What types of skills and abilities are needed to do on the job? Be specific.
Do you need a license to practice the profession?
What is the name of the license to be obtained?
Part B: Advancement or Restrictions
Will there be opportunities to advance or grow in the occupation? (ladder climb or static)?
Is the occupation expanding/declining?
Would you have to relocate for this job? Where?
What is the salary range for this career (start...end)?
Part C: Personal Suitability
How does it fit my interests? List 5 of your interests that match this career.
How does it fit with my values? List 5 of your values that match this career.
Can I achieve the educational requirements or make the necessary sacrifices to attain this profession?
Part D: Education Research
What type of training or education is necessary to enter this occupation? (post secondary, apprenticeship, internship)?
Program name, school name and address, phone number
What do you receive upon completion of the program? (certificate, diploma, ??)
How much does it cost? (close estimation) Consider tuition, textbooks, living expenses assignment-food, transportation, etc)
How long is/are the program(s) Provide details if there is a masters and doctorate involved.
Are there entrance requirements other than marks? (portfolio, volunteer, interview, fitness tests, etc)
Self Assessment Career Plan
You should be able to save your Career Plan from ALIS in a PDF format please submit it into the dropbox along with the rest of this assignment.

This is a large assignment that requires in depth information. One or two sentences will not suffice. It is also a report which requires you write in PARAGRAPH FORMAT AND FULL SENTENCES.
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