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Halo 3 ARG is Making Great Progress.

As our beloved Halo 3 ARG is officially elevated to the next level, there are signs that we are making progress. Wow Wiki And before we get into the details, we need to be aware that these ARGs can and do get a confusing, but we'll do to summarize the past few hours' events. So, let's get started ...

After the AdjuntantReflux went to sleep, received a little update. The website currently lists five servers that are "locked" which leads us to believe that our aim was to bring these servers operational. However, this rabbit hole gets much deeper. After reading Sunday's Circuit City ad, a paper boy posted a URL to forums. The URL points to a Halo comic on which hides an IP address. This IP address is a page that displays a standard ARG countdown clock. When it reaches zero, we expect more excitement. We're not done. After doing a reverse whois search , a new website was found which is the home of the Society of the Ancients. The Society of the Ancients is the place where ARG players will be registering, finding evidence, and solving this elusive Halo puzzle of confusion. The problem is that all this progress may have been discovered earlier than expected due to the Circuit City ad URL being released days earlier than scheduled. You can keep track of the latest news and details on the Halo 3 ARG Wiki.

It's late and our heads hurt but we still find ourselves caught up in the "game". How are you doing?

Thank you to everyone who sent this in[Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

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Regards; Team

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