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WHAT ARE SOME FEATURES of trust in mainstream media? weighing mainstream vs other sources what predicts trust in mainstream media

conservatives are less trusting of mainstream media

coming up with new measure, how do people differ in terms of this
bunch of people who always pick mainstream media then slopes downward

averaged number of mainstream sources, averaged between 0 and 1
people who trust mainstream media are much more likely to believe it when source is present

people with low levels of trust believe more of everything, having a source present doesnt make a difference

people who are low in levels of mainstream trust beleive everything, source isn't doing a lot of work

people who trust msm a lot dont believe stuff as much

showing that people who trust mainstream media approach belief in a certain way,

frame results as measurement idea, no great measures of media trust we are proposing a new one where the thing we care about is a trade off

lot of studies that suggest people are irrational in the way they use cues, they tend to overuse heuristic judgements, we could show that actually that isnt the case. when we collect a prepresentative population of viral statements and ask people to make judgements, people who trust in mass media are using those cues in a rational way. in a way that comports with the population of all statements. you could cococt some example that the nyt says something thats false but people might believe somethng theyre led astray by that cue, not saying their irrational. cuees are leading people to irrational judgements

raga and bode?

on methods section, find out how to do methods section
november 1st deadline?
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