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Unparanormal: you do NOT
Unparanormal: understand
Unparanormal: the amount of shit
xRugged: :P
Unparanormal: we went through
Unparanormal: lmaoooo
Unparanormal: If you knew the story behind what we went through
xRugged: also the tricking the admin part
xRugged: .
Unparanormal: you would not have killed us
xRugged: :P
Unparanormal: what you mean
xRugged: i was asleep
Unparanormal: ?
xRugged: i went to the bathroom
xRugged: then said to myself
xRugged: let me go check
xRugged: logged in
Unparanormal: lul
xRugged: C4
xRugged: oh shit
xRugged: took the shit from upstairs
Unparanormal: Yeah
Unparanormal: amazing timing
xRugged: irk
xRugged: ikr
Unparanormal: 10/10
xRugged: also nice try with the admin.
Unparanormal: ???
Unparanormal: what try
xRugged: you told him, it was ur base.
Unparanormal: no i didnt?
xRugged: so he teleported you.
xRugged: he just said it
Unparanormal: mmmm no
Unparanormal: thats not how that went down
Unparanormal: you see he accidently tped me to sic after i climbed the ladders
Unparanormal: so i told him to tp me back
xRugged: you can't place ladders.
Unparanormal: We didnt
Unparanormal: you left them
Unparanormal: on the side of the iceberg
Unparanormal: lol
xRugged: nope.
Unparanormal: yup
Unparanormal: go check
xRugged: those ones are new.
Unparanormal: behind the base
Unparanormal: they were there when we got there bro
Unparanormal: lol
xRugged: yeah
Unparanormal: Im not even kidding
xRugged: im guessing the other admin put em
xRugged: he was trolling me.
Unparanormal: someone placed them, it was not us
Unparanormal: when we got there they were there
Unparanormal: we climbed up
Unparanormal: sic through the c4 to me
xRugged: anyways :P
Unparanormal: c4 went through the iceberg
Unparanormal: under water
Unparanormal: i suicide jumped for it
Unparanormal: died
Unparanormal: made more c4
xRugged: looooooool
Unparanormal: went back
Unparanormal: blew the wall
Unparanormal: you log on
Unparanormal: instantly suicidal
Unparanormal: no gun on me
Unparanormal: sic has an ak
Unparanormal: we go in
Unparanormal: walk downstairs
Unparanormal: u there
Unparanormal: sad face
Unparanormal: ded
xRugged: LMAO
Unparanormal: lolol
Unparanormal: fucking bullshit
xRugged: good fucking times
Unparanormal: the strains we went through
Unparanormal: ridiculous
xRugged: will remmber this
Unparanormal: you bette
Unparanormal: tell it to your grandkids
Unparanormal: but the server is buggy af right now
xRugged: i will.
Unparanormal: so be careful
xRugged: yeah
Unparanormal: all the plugins took a shit at like 7:00
xRugged: ur loot is half gone
Unparanormal: its 12 now
Unparanormal: wut?
Unparanormal: nah i dont plan on playing there anymore
xRugged: its weird it kinda dissapeard
Unparanormal: this is the 2nd time bugs got us killed
Unparanormal: noone except us was on
Unparanormal: qh is playing arma 3
Unparanormal: and aeolus is offline
xRugged: anyways
xRugged: good luck.
xRugged: no hard feelings.
Unparanormal: not at all
Unparanormal: its just the game
xRugged: true,
Unparanormal: just pissed that it ended like that
Unparanormal: but we had to do it tonight
xRugged: i never take it more than that.
Unparanormal: tomorrow i was gone all day
Unparanormal: Sic likes to provoke
Unparanormal: so does your guys
Unparanormal: but i sit out
xRugged: shit happens
xRugged: we had fun , thats what matters
Unparanormal: exactly
xRugged: without that ladder
xRugged: it would've been semi-impossible.
Unparanormal: It would've been 100% impossible
xRugged: yeah
Unparanormal: we wouldve had to rocket your cupboards
Unparanormal: from an island
Unparanormal: super far away
Unparanormal: lol
xRugged: pain in the ass
xRugged: some servers ban building on them
Unparanormal: I dont doubt it
Unparanormal: its OP as fuck
Unparanormal: especially with TP
Unparanormal: cus you can have a safe house
xRugged: true.
Unparanormal: noone can touch it
xRugged: unless the server has ladders
Unparanormal: enabled yeah
Unparanormal: i like that it doesnt on this sevrer
xRugged: i was telling aelous
Unparanormal: makes raiding more fun
xRugged: and he got mad at me.
xRugged: lol
Unparanormal: telling him wut
xRugged: he dosen't like ladders
xRugged: nor raid towers
Unparanormal: I dont either
Unparanormal: same
Unparanormal: person preference i guess
xRugged: i dont like ladders
xRugged: i do like raid towers tho
xRugged: since u can defend against them
Unparanormal: I understand raid towers. but not with that bullshit 100% stability
xRugged: easy
Unparanormal: nope. I shot out the raid towers you guys made on the last server
Unparanormal: didnt fall
Unparanormal: at all
xRugged: yeah
xRugged: stability was fucked
Unparanormal: thats the first bug that fucked us over
Unparanormal: the second was the shit that broke today
Unparanormal: so much shit broke today
Unparanormal: while you guys were offline
xRugged: hopefully we can have more fights
Unparanormal: zak was on till like 11 so we waited till he left
xRugged: although alot of flaming goes on
xRugged: but its hella fun
Unparanormal: thats the whole point of the game tho :D
Unparanormal: exactly
Unparanormal: gotta have that heated arguments and shit
Unparanormal: or its no fun
xRugged: it makes the fight even more exciting
Unparanormal: whoever win gets bragging rights
Unparanormal: honestly no way me and sic couldve taken all of you on tho
Unparanormal: we had no chance either way
Unparanormal: but whatever
Unparanormal: we tried
xRugged: goldee
xRugged: and the others who joined didn't help at all
Unparanormal: yeah im well awarew
xRugged: even before the wipe
xRugged: when we where raiding
Unparanormal: they werent even apart of the clan
Unparanormal: we made them base outside
Unparanormal: cus they're sketchy af
xRugged: there was 2 people outside just building lol
Unparanormal: yeah we made them
xRugged: u guys need more members
Unparanormal: ehh
Unparanormal: used to have 11 ppl
Unparanormal: but everyone stopped playing
Unparanormal: this game gets boring
Unparanormal: doing it over and over again
xRugged: yeah
Unparanormal: building, getting raided/wiped every thursday
xRugged: unless there is fights like this :P
Unparanormal: thats the only reason i play
Unparanormal: is the fighting and raiding
Unparanormal: theres no "survival"
Unparanormal: being done
Unparanormal: lol
Unparanormal: i did donate tonight tho so the slots with open up to 60 players
Unparanormal: meaning HOPEFULLY
Unparanormal: more clans will join
Unparanormal: that you guys can fight
xRugged: yeah
xRugged: anyways i hope you guys have fun. and good luck
Unparanormal: Ill be back on the server from time to time maybe
Unparanormal: depends what goes on in the next couple days
xRugged: i have on friend maybe we will join the server u guys play on if u dont mind
xRugged: and have a blast
Unparanormal: yeah dude
Unparanormal: whyd you rejoin red1?
Unparanormal: what happend there
xRugged: it was a setup
xRugged: and it worked
Unparanormal: nice
xRugged: we raided weed
Unparanormal: ooooooooooooooooooo
Unparanormal: lolol
xRugged: took 68 rockets
Unparanormal: fuck you
xRugged: 38 c4
Unparanormal: me and sic
Unparanormal: raided weed
Unparanormal: lol
Unparanormal: or sid
Unparanormal: i mean
xRugged: u raided
xRugged: the old base
Unparanormal: 25 c4 was there
xRugged: they had a small 3x3 base
Unparanormal: so whateve
Unparanormal: lol
xRugged: before the wipe
xRugged: we had 122 c4
Unparanormal: lol
Unparanormal: op
xRugged: and aeouls delete it
xRugged: saying its gonna reset anyway
xRugged: he didn't want us to fuck everything up
xRugged: sid gets admin help
xRugged: alot
Unparanormal: ik
xRugged: pretty much any op thing comes from him
xRugged: and kalib
Unparanormal: thats another reason why i wont play
Unparanormal: they give ppl shit
Unparanormal: ruins the whole point
xRugged: the one that gives is Qhoracle
xRugged: he abuses alot.
xRugged: Aeouls dosen't give anything
xRugged: i begged him for 50 wood
xRugged: he didn't give me
xRugged: and took my money
Unparanormal: lol
Unparanormal: yeah qh doesnt admin rust anymore
Unparanormal: he has a arma 3 server
Unparanormal: to run
Unparanormal: himself
xRugged: ik
Unparanormal: so itll be only ae
xRugged: will then
xRugged: it was good talking to you
Unparanormal: yeah dude
Unparanormal: keep in touch
xRugged: hopefully will have more encounters
Unparanormal: we can play some games
Unparanormal: good shooting
Unparanormal: didnt expect you to be there
Unparanormal: lol
xRugged: thanks
xRugged: cya
Unparanormal: peace out
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