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41 pts
CH 4 - 8 multiple choice, 1 free-response (endomembrane system organelles (system in eukaryotic cell that synthesizes proteins. consists of/protein path is rough ER, ribosomes, vesicle, golgi apparatus (top/cis side first, bottom/trans side second, which packages and prepares it), plasma membrane (in another vesicle). all have membranes with maximized surface area from folds) 5pts

CH 5 - 28 multiple choice (plasma membrane - structure (fluid mosaic model w/ phospholipids and proteins), job (semi-permeable, transport those that can't cross, glycolipids and glycoproteins identify other cells, etc.), proteins (transmembrane, job is transport. channel and carrier. two needed to know are aquaporin (water channel protein) and sodium-potassium pump (active transport carrier protein. pumps 3 sodium out and 2 potassium in), cholesterol (role is to stabilize bilayer, makes more room in bilayer to keep it fluid like unsaturated fatty acid), what can cross (nonpolar molecules and small molecules. everything else needs help. F.D. is for specific proteins), active transport (needs ATP/energy and a carrier protein), endo vs exocytosis (exo = secretion/out), phago vs pinocytosis (both endocytosis. phago is for large, undissolved particles, bulk transport. pino is for dissolved particles/fluid))

osmoregulation - hypo vs hyper vs iso (low out high in = water in, hypo. high out low in = water out, hyper. same in same out = no water movement, iso)

water potential - 4 questions (pure water has a water potential of 0 bars, water diffuses from low solute and high water to high solute and low water concentration, high water potential to low water potential too). 1 water potential math question, 1 solute potential math question (-iCRT, i is 1 with sucrose/sugar and 2 with every other option)
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