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The saying “ beauty is in the eye of the beholder “ suggests that beauty is subjective and sometimes it can be difficult to get people to agree upon aesthetic judgements. There are things that one might find appealing and the other just mediocre, but in my opinion, there is some level of objectivity when it comes to beauty.

In all my years of travelling and exploring, there’s always been one place that has always stood out to me as exceptionally mystical. Now this isn’t your typical tourist spot or attraction where photographers and a bunch of excursionists just gather and cause a commotion. This is a reserved location for resolute campers and explorers with keen eye; able to capture the essence of beauty.

The location was a small lake at the side of a river valley with an orchard of trees and a mesmerizing view of the city and the surrounding flora at one side and the mountains on the other. Now, to a casual explorer, this place wouldn’t bare any significance whatsoever. But for me, this place will always hold a special place in my heart. Because this is where my mother took me when i was still a toddler and explained the significance through metaphorical and emotional analogies. This place used to be my parents’ favorite camp spot, back when my father was still alive. There used to be registered campsites nearby but this wasn’t one of them; it was completely and utterly secluded from everyone else. At first, even I wasn’t fully able to grasp the true quintessence of this location, but as i grew up and visited it alone a couple of times, I was finally able to plummet myself into this bottomless pit of sensational sentiments.

Upon entering this place, you’re met with an abundance of nature and fresh air. Surprisingly, the wildlife on this side was thriving and it was really common to witness deers, goats , monkeys, squirrels, cats and a bunch of other peace loving animals. There was always a cool breeze blowing from the mountain side down through the trees and you could hear the river water flowing downhill and crashing into the rocks beneath. Though, when this place truly shines is at night time. Since this area was completely secluded, there used to be no polution and the skies were completely clear. Upon looking up, you are met with an ocean of stars and if you’re lucky, a bright full moon illuminating the night sky. My mother used to always point up towards the most brightest shining star in the sky and tell me that it’s my father up there and it always used to put a big smile on my face with a couple of tears trickling down.It was bittersweet and sometimes painful, but at that moment, i felt like i could truly connect with him again and tell him that we’re all doing alright and we miss him. My emotional attachment with this place mightaswell be purely because of nostalgia, but to me, there’s no place other than this that would bring down tears of joy just upon visiting.
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