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Images of Amazon's 3D Handset Revealed

Amazon's 3D handset comes with four front facing cameras that can be used to create floating displays.

Published at 17:26 EDT on 15 April 2014


The first pictures of Amazon's rumoured 3D handset have been unveiled and show off the four cameras used to create a 'floating screen' effect.

The device, which will be announced in June using retina-tracking technology, will make images on the screen of the smartphone appear to 'float' above it like a Hologram and appear three-dimensional from all angles'.

The latest images also reveal a relatively thin handset - even though it's covered in an enclosure to protect its true form.

Apple's patented system is slightly different to the 3D display Amazon is rumoured to be working on. The first images of Amazon's 3D phone were released last week, pictured and showcasing four cameras and retina-tracking technologies that can be used to create a floating screen' effect.


The device comes with a front facing camera in every corner of the screen.

These cameras can be used to monitor the position and orientation of the user's eyes and face relative to the display.

This allows Amazon's software make constant adjustments to the positions of the elements on screen, altering the perspective of images and allowing them to appear in 3D without glasses.

'Finally, we have obtained exclusive images of a model of the device that is not yet released offering the world the first glimpse at Amazon's hotly anticipated phone Web site BGR stated.

As can be seen in the images, the device is covered by a protective shell intended to keep people who do not have authorization from seeing the physical design of the phone.'

It is expected that it will come with a 4.7 inch screen.

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The phone is displayed in a special protective case to protect its final design. The four cameras are clearly visible at every corner.

The phone appears almost identical to Nokia's Windows Phone, with its large and rounded shell. However, it is believed to be a cover for the final design.

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