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In infographic 3.3, four perception deceptions are described. The moon illusion in the first illustration shows how, on occasion, the moon can look noticeably larger when seen near the horizon than in the sky. Uncertainty surrounds the reason, but it is probable that our perspective of the moon's size is affected by the environment in which we observe it. The Ponzo trick is the second deceit mentioned. On different parts of a railroad track design, two lines of the same size appear to be there optically. One of the lines appears significantly larger than the other because in our thoughts it is seen as being further away from the train tracks (due to the way the tracks are drawn)..The Ames Room Illusion, which makes one person appear significantly larger than the other while two individuals are standing in the same space, is the third illusion. One side of the room is significantly broader and shorter than the other, giving the impression that it is much larger when individuals are standing on various sides of the room. The last deception presented is the Shepherd Tables Illusion, in which two identical tables appear to be of different proportions due to the way our brains interpret distance and proximity.

An optical illusion I see everyday is bugs and animals blending into their environment. For example, I say a chameleon yesterday changing colors because of the environment. This is an obtical illusion since it is otically confusing me of the image and it is an illusion. I feel like optical illusions are a really cool phenomenon and should be explpred more.

quillbot end edit a little bit but most is fine. I changed a lot of it. or submit it tmrw during class, he wont doc points and we can get more points.
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