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The character I intend to RP with on this server is Aldercy. Aldercy took the opportunity and tried to rake in as much money as he could. The job didn’t last very long though. The company his grandfather was working for went bankrupt and they had to close down all the shops. Aldercy was deeply hurt because he was getting money for his family. He didn’t want to tell either of his parents the news but eventually, he did. His father encouraged him to try and find a sport he could play. At first, Aldercy tried to play soccer but he wasn’t very good. It was just a waste of money getting practice sessions for him. One day in Aldercy’s home he was watching a squared TV screen. The screen showed some type of fighting sport. Aldercy wonder what it was and he asked his mother. Emilia replied saying that it was called boxing. Aldercy was immediately interested. The year was 1987 and Mike Tyson was fighting Trevor Berbick for the world championships. Aldercy was very hooked and watching the fight very closely. He was rooting for Mike Tyson and jumped out of his seat when he realized that he won. Aldercy started idolizing Tyson at that very moment. He even told his grandmother that he would be like him someday. Aldercy asked his father if he could pay for his boxing classes. At first, his father was hesitant but he soon came around. Aldercy’s first day of boxing didn’t go very well and he was demotivated. His father realized what had happened to his son and told him that he was going to be a world champion one day. He just had to keep trying. Aldercy then started giving it his all. He was getting better but he wasn’t very good. Aldercy would watch Mike Tyson fight all the time and even used some of his moves and tactics. He practiced a lot, even out of the classes. Soon enough, Aldercy was the best of the best in his class.

One day in Tijuana, his father rushed the whole family to wake up. Aldercy was confused and so was his family. Julio told them that many acts of violence were happening around the neighborhood and that it was time to leave Mexico. The rise of the Sinaloa cartel put many citizens in danger. Seeing as it was 1992 and rival cartels were in Tijuana trying to take down the Sinaloa cartel. Aldercy asked his father where they would go and he responded, “America”. The family packed their belongings, along with food and a lot of water to drink. Aldercy asked where in America they would go and his father told them Los Angeles, California. Julio had family there and he wanted to give his son better opportunities. A few hours later and the family is starting their journey. The journey would be long and draining but it would all be worth it in the end. They made multiple stops to gas stations and corner stores along the way. It took the family about 50 hours to get to Los Angeles. The family had to adapt to the new country. Although Aldercy didn’t know English he had watched many Mike Tyson interviews on TV so he knew a few words from the English language. Aldercy and his family settled down in South Los Angeles. More specifically, in the Adams-Normandie neighborhood. It was a lot of gang violence going on but it wasn’t as bad as the cartel so the family seemed okay with it. Over the years Aldercy made new friends at his school and got better at boxing.

I have quite a lot of experience when it comes to roleplay with my first ever experience of a roleplay server being on Arma 2. Since then I have roleplayed on other games such as gmod and of course Fivem. I have over 2000 hours on fivem with most of the hours being spent on an RP server. A player comes up pulls a gun on you inside the clothing store and demands you hand over your keys/weapon and any cash you have on you. What would you do? Be as detailed as possible, one or two-line answers will not be accepted. The clothing store is a no crime zone and someone shouldn't be robbing there. If a player came up to me inside of a clothing store demanding money I would go with the RP until the situation has ended, ensuring to remain in character. Once the situation is over I would then report the situation to staff and let them deal with it. You walk out the back exit of the car dealership when a vehicle comes out of nowhere and hits you. The player stops the vehicle after hitting you to roleplay that they hit you. How would you proceed? Be as detailed as possible. (One or two line answers won't be accepted) If a vehicle had hit me I would RP as being injured and make use of /me's to show injuries. Assuming that an ambulance had been called I would keep up the RP with paramedics again making use of /me show injuries so that the paramedic could assess the level of my injuries and get me to hospital. A player comes up pulls a gun on you at the docks and demands you to put your hands up. What would you do? Be as detailed as possible, one or two-line answers will not be accepted. If someone held me at gunpoint demanding money I would comply with their commands as I would be under FearRP. I would try my best to RP as surprised and scared ensuring to follow all orders given until the gunman goes away. Afterwards, I might phone the police to report what happened.

Aldercy is about 15 now. The year is 2002 and he has been in multiple boxing tournaments. Aldercy has won all of the fights he has been in. His name was starting to get bigger and bigger around the neighborhood. Eventually, people from different parts of the city knew him. He used his supporters and the thought of his family being poor as his motivation to keep being a great boxer. Aldercy was in the lightweight boxing class and he was the best in it. Aldercy fought many people and won almost all of them. One particular fight stained his record. His record was 34 - 0, but after this fight, it changed it 34 - 1. Aldercy was fighting one of the best fighters in the class and he was beating him at first. As the fight developed Aldercy would start getting hit with harder punches. Aldercy got his in his jaw with a right hook and knocked out. He would have to get stitches and he couldn’t fight anymore. This event was the main reason Aldercy would have depression for the next years of his life.

Present-day Aldercy is 33 and well known in the city. He tries every day to fight but his father insisted that he rests. He wants him to be patient so eventually, he will be able to fight again. The money that Aldercy made has set the family for a couple of more years. He just fears that they will have to go back to their old lifestyle in Tijuana. Hopefully, someday Aldercy will be able to fight again.
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