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This story is about a girl starting middle school and is unprepared for the things to come...
August 10, 2014
hi, I don't really how to start this because my mom got me this for middle school saying "I'm going to need it" whatever that means. My name is Abigail. Today was the first day, I don't really have ANY classes with my friends... but it's okay i can just make new ones... right? Also it is a little weird that we switched from only having 4 classes to 7 and we have PE everyday, but i am pretty athletic so i should be fine. Okay let me explain how i look so i have green-bluish eyes, my hair is kinda dirty blond but like faded, and i am about average weight and height. I don't have that many friends just the ones i knew from sixth grade and the couple ones I made today. Well i guess i will write in this tomorrow or something.

August 24, 2014
I kinda forgot i had this but at least i remembered now. Okay so much has happened since i wrote in this! Okay so I am basically friends with almost everyone in all my classes and the most important part.... I HAVE A CRUSH. Last year it would be weird to have a crush on someone since you like known them pretty much like half your life. Okay let me explain he is in my 5th period and he is so cute!! His name is Lucas. He has brown eyes, brown hair and his smile is so cute!! And yes I know he sounds like an average white boy with brown hair, but he isn't, some people say he is annoying but people also call me annoying so its okay lol, he is so nice to everyone. The problem is I get to nervous to talk to him. Oh my mom is calling me bye!

August 30, 2014
I TALKED TO HIM. okay so he sat next to me at lunch today and we talked the whole time it was amazing, tomorrow i might ask him out or is that to soon? Whatever i am going for it.

August 31, 2014
HE SAID YES YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. our date is friday. My best friend, Sabrina, was telling me how she gets bad vibes from Lucas and apparently Lucas was listening to our conversation ... but i just brushed it off anyways

September 1, 2014
Our date is TOMORROW!!! I am so excited. but Sabrina wasn't at school today and she hasn't been answering my texts or calls its kinda worrying me...

September 29, 2014
Sorry, i had to take a break from writing in this but Sabrina is dead... she was stabbed to death and Lucas broke up with me we were only together for a week and a half... why is my life falling apart... why me.

October 4, 2014
I am going to starting writing in this more because i am worried for my safety because Lucas is starting to act weird and i feel like he was the one who killed Sabrina... everything is making sence now he broke up with me right when we found out about Sabrina dying and how he refused to let me go to his house or even see his room on FaceTime... i need to go tell the police before it is to late..

October 6, 2014
okay so this will be my last entry lucas broke into my house and is calling my name saying "Abigail come come out i just wanna talk..." then bangs on random objects my parents aren't home yet its only 2:30 and they don't get home till 4:30 i am hiding in my closet crying i don't have my phone with me i guess this is goodbye i love you mom love you dad i love all of yall and i hope Lucas goes to hell he is getting closer he is in m-

(the reason it stopped is because Lucas found her hiding spot and got killed)
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