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WoW Dominates The MMO Market

If you were in doubt about the popularity of World Of Warcraft in the world of MMOs The most recent numbers of subscribers on MMOGChart will clarify your doubts. The chart below shows the market share of subscription-based MMOs in May 2006. The massive blue slice that makes up 50.6 percent is Blizzard's massive.

While a number of smaller games do have a slice of the pie, the MMO world is dominated by Lineage, World of Warcraft and Runescape -which has been attracting subscribers in recent times.

In this illustration of subscriptions over time, the bright green (almost vertical) line is, as you might expect, World of Warcraft. This growth indicates that WoW's market share has increased due to new players, not because players have abandoned other MMOs. The market share is large, but the market is being expanded by WoW.

What will happen when the next wave of MMO games hit the market? We saw nothing at E3 that seemed geared to take over the crown from WoW, but the influx of players to the MMO genre means that a lot of players should seek out new titles to try sooner or later. As much as we may not like it WoW's dominance is a fact and MMO creators who want to draw players into their games will have to take it into account -- players suckered into paying a monthly subscription fee to Blizzard won't want to pay two fees all at once, for instance.

[Thanks, David]

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