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Website Design Lightray Solutions
website design strategies that are conversion focused


We've put together this list of website design strategies that are geared towards conversion. If you want your website to be more effective, then read on! Our web design strategies are designed to help make your site more engaging, intuitive and informative for visitors—and ultimately increase conversions.

Clear Value Proposition

A value proposition is the core of your business. It tells your audience why they should buy from you. The more clearly you can communicate this, the more likely it is that people will convert on your site. When crafting a value proposition, it’s important to know what you offer and how it can help potential customers achieve their goals. You should also understand how to present this information in a way that resonates with your target audience—and what language or other factors are most likely to pique their interest and get them interested in learning more about your product or service.

A good value proposition starts with answering these questions: What am I selling? How does my product or service provide value? Why will someone want to buy my stuff? Then, ask yourself how customers would describe those benefits if they were asked by an imaginary friend who was looking for one of them (this imaginary friend is called “the customer avatar”). If someone was looking for something like yours—what would they say about why they need it? What problem does your solution solve for them? How does it make their life easier than if they didn't have one (if applicable)?

It's best if these details are written down in one place so anyone involved with developing content can refer back later when creating marketing materials like landing pages and emails as well as designing web pages themselves

Consistent Branding

Consistent branding is important for a number of reasons.

It builds trust

It helps customers know what to expect

It builds loyalty

Consistent branding helps you stand out from the competition

Your brand should be consistent across all your marketing materials, including:

Your business website design and social media profiles Your email signature and any other emails you send out

Your business cards and brochures Your physical store signage Your vehicles

Your website design is the hub of your business. You want it to be as effective as possible, so it should include:

Conversion Centered Design

Conversion Centered Website Design

Conversion is the ultimate goal of every website. This means that the design and functionality of your website needs to be focused on making it easy for visitors to convert. But what does “conversion” mean? In this context, conversion isn't just about sales; it's about fulfilling customer needs, increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty, and providing value to users. To achieve this type of conversion you need a strong understanding of your audience and their behavior patterns when they're interacting with your site or app. The following are some tips on how to create an effective design strategy based on user research:

#-Listen to the customer.
#-Understand the problem.
#-Think about how you can solve this problem.

Mobile Friendly Websites

Mobile-friendly website design are more likely to convert.

Mobile friendly websites are easier to navigate.

Mobile friendly website design are more likely to be shared on social media.

Mobile friendly websites are more likely to be shared on email.

Mobile friendly websites are more likely to be shared on messaging apps

Mobile friendly websites are more likely to be shared on social media. Mobile friendly websites are easier to navigate

Mobile friendly websites are easier to navigate. Mobile friendly websites are more likely to convert. Mobile friendly websites are easier to navigate. Mobile friendly websites are more likely to be shared on social media. Mobile friendly websites are more likely to be shared on email.

Mobile friendly websites are more likely to be shared on messaging apps

Winner or Runner Up Slogan on the front page

The first thing you should do is to come up with a slogan that conveys a clear value proposition. A good value proposition should be memorable and relevant to your target audience. It should also support the content on your website, which means that it can't be overly broad or general. A good slogan is like the motto of a company or organization—it's something people will remember about you in the future.

The second thing you need to do is choose between two different approaches: either focus on one product or service, or make it clear that this is just one part of what you offer (and give some examples). If you're selling more than one thing, then it might be helpful to list them all out on the front page so visitors can see everything they offer at once—but if they don't have time for multiple pages right now then they might want an overview instead.

#-Build a prototype.
#-Test the design with real users.

Product Previews and Customization

Show the product before they buy. It's no coincidence that product previews are some of the most popular features on e-commerce sites. Customers want to see what they're buying, and with modern technology, it's easier than ever for you to show them a preview of your product before they commit to making a purchase.

Let customers personalize their purchases. Personalization is increasingly important for both consumers and retailers alike—and if you don't offer this option, chances are good that someone else will (i.e., Amazon). Let customers make small changes like changing colors or fonts or adding images from their own collections—that way they feel like they're buying something unique just for them (and their friends will be impressed when they see how cool their new profile pic looks).

User-Friendly Navigation and Menus

One of the trickiest parts of web design is navigation. It’s easy to get lost in a sea of content and be unable to find what you’re looking for. In order to keep users on your site, you have to make sure that navigation is clear and intuitive.

Navigation should be easy for visitors to use, even if they aren’t familiar with the site yet. You can achieve this by:

keeping it simple

using consistency throughout all pages (for example, make sure all links follow the same color scheme)

Improving Your Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO, or search engine optimization, is the process of making your website more visible to users and search engines alike. SEO strategies can range from on-page SEO (optimizations to your page content) to off-page SEO (optimization efforts that don't target your own site). Different types of SEO involve different strategies; here are some examples:

On-page SEO—Improving the content of a page by adding relevant keywords and tags that will help it rank better in search results. This also involves making sure that each individual page has enough text on it for Google's algorithms to understand what it's about. In addition, there are certain HTML elements that should be included on every page so as not to negatively impact its ability to rank well — meta tags (which display information about a web page), titles/descriptions (which tell you what a web page is about), and H1 headings (the most important heading on each HTML document).

Off-page SEO—Increasing the visibility of your site by linking back or sharing links with other sites through social media platforms such as Twitter or Facebook; publishing blog posts with relevant keywords; getting reviews from trusted sources like TripAdvisor or Yelp; etcetera.

Make it easy for customers to buy. The easier it is for customers to complete their purchase, the more likely they are to do so. Make sure your website has an intuitive checkout process and offers multiple payment options (credit cards, PayPal, cash on delivery)The third thing you should do is decide whether you want to include a call-to-action button on your front page. If so, then this should be placed somewhere prominent so visitors can see it and know what they need to do next. For example, if you're selling products online then it might make sense for them to click "Buy Now" or something similar once they've seen everything else on the pageusing visuals to guide users in the right direction (for example, use a simple arrow to show where they can click on a page)..

Should You Get A Responsive Website design?

If you’re not sure if your website should be responsive, our recommendation is yes. If you have a desktop version of your site and a mobile version, then it makes sense for at least one of them to be responsive. There are many good reasons why this is so:

Responsive websites are built to adjust to the screen size of the device being used. This means they look great on all devices, whether they’re phones, tablets or desktop computers.

Responsive websites typically rank better in search engine results than non-responsive ones because they are easier for search engines to index and display relevant content when someone searches for it in their browser (or other device).

Mobile visitors tend to spend more time on sites that adapt well on different types of screens compared with non-adaptable sites (like those with separate versions for mobile users). And finally…

Using Google Analytics For Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) Tools

Google Analytics is a free marketing tool that provides insight into how people are using your site. It allows you to see what pages are most popular and which ones are not, so that you can make changes to your site that will increase the number of visitors who convert into customers.

One great way to improve conversions on your website is through A/B testing. This involves creating two versions of the same page (or part of a page) and showing each version to different groups of visitors, then comparing the results in order to determine which one works better for converting people into customers. For example, if we're trying out different headlines for an advertisement offering services or products online: We might see which headline encourages more people click through on our ad copy without scaring anyone away from our site with aggressive sales tactics or rambling language.

If you have a responsive website, people are more likely to stay on your site longer and return frequentlyThe point is, SEO isn't just about creating a website and hoping for the best. It's about constantly improving that site through tactics that target Google's algorithms as well as human users; it's about making sure that your content is relevant and appealing to both groups..

A/B Testing

A/B testing is a method of comparing two versions of a website to determine which is more effective.

It can be used to test the effectiveness of different designs, copy and calls to action.

A/B testing is one of the best ways to gather data about what works and what doesn't.

Our web design strategies are built to convert customers.

We offer website design strategies that are conversion focused. Our process is purposeful and deliberate, because we believe that your business deserves to have a great looking website that communicates its mission and meets the needs of your audience.

Our team of web designers creates websites with a clear purpose: to connect with customers, not just look pretty or be fast loading. We get deep into the nitty-gritty details of what makes a good website, analyzing data about how people interact with your site—and then we use that information to make sure your new website performs at its peak potential from day one.

A/B testing is one of the best ways to gather data about what works and what doesn't. It can be used to test the effectiveness of different designs, copy and calls to actionOur web design process is based on the belief that a website should be an extension of your business and brand. We start by talking about what your customers need, what you want to accomplish, and how we can help you achieve those goals through our web design services. We also look at competitors in your space to see what they’re doing well (and not so well)..


In the end, conversion-focused design isn’t just a trend. It’s a new way of thinking about web design that will continue to grow in importance as more and more people come online. If you haven’t started using these strategies yet, now is the time to get started!

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