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How to Get a Thai Foreign Business License Specialist
A foreign business license is required if you want to start a business in Thailand. To get this license, you will require an official license from MSNA (one of the partners for foreign business licenses). You will need to consult a qualified legal advisor before applying for an international license in Thailand.

Two foreign business licenses are listed

For certain kinds of businesses, foreign business licenses are required in Thailand. There are Bangkok foreign business licence lawyer of business licenses. List One is for businesses with no restrictions. List Two for businesses that have restrictions. These licenses are available only with certain conditions. Certain types of airlines and transport businesses are not allowed to be operated by foreigners. They are also banned from running businesses that could compromise national security. If they are not able or unwilling to compete with Thai citizens, foreigners may be banned from operating certain kinds of businesses in Thailand.

Foreign business requires capital requirements to obtain a license

If you want to establish your own business in Thailand it is necessary to meet the minimum capital requirements before applying for a business license. Foreign companies must have a minimum capital of two million baht as well as additional capital of 3 million baht. There are certain exceptions to capital requirements, though. If a U.S citizen has the majority of shares or directors, then you are allowed to own a business that has majority foreign ownership under the Treaty of Amity between America and Thailand.

Exemptions from foreign business licenses

There are many ways to avoid obtaining a Thai foreign business licence. The licenses are granted in a variety circumstances. In some cases foreign-owned businesses can be exempted from law completely. For instance the American-owned business could qualify for an exception under the Treaty of Amity and Economic Relations between Thailand and the United States.

Before you start an enterprise in Thailand be sure to consult a professional lawyer

If you are contemplating starting an enterprise in the field of service in Thailand, it is very important to speak to a competent legal advisor who knows the Thai legal system. There are numerous free-trade agreements in Thailand, which make it a popular location for international business. However, you need to ensure that you get the right legal adviser to avoid costly errors. The best method to do this is to hire an attorney who is local.

Taxes in Thailand

In Thailand, businesses with a turnover of THB 1.8 million or more must be VAT registered. VAT is a sales tax which is payable at every stage of production and distribution of goods and services. If a company is operating in Thailand for more than one month, it has to be registered. The 15th day of the month following the month when the tax was collected is the date for registration. Self-assessment is required for certain income to nonresidents, such as royalties and service fees.

The work scope of a Thai foreign business license specialist

For those looking to start an enterprise in Thailand there are some requirements to be met. The first step is to get a Thai foreign business license which is legally required. This process can be complex and should be handled by a specialist.
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