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Novel - My Youth Began With Him - My Youth Began With Him
Chapter 4593 - Su Yu's Additional Story (43) childlike thoughtless
My Youth Began With Him
“No,” Su Yu refused that has a look.
“Mhm, since I have recovered, I can’t continue to be here anymore… Usually, you won’t like me frequently.”
“Buy durians for registered nurse.”
“Su Yu, you are crazy…” Huo Mian was shocked.
“I can’t so i don’t dare. I’ll send someone to buy it now.”
Soon after finding the buy, An turned around and still left similar to a gust of wind power.
Even as a Virgo, Huo Mian didn’t provide the determination to peel off an orange this way.
Because society, Ning Zhiyuan committed Wu Xiaoxue along with a child. In the future, he migrated international and existed a quiet daily life.
Su Yu sat across from her. He checked out her seriously and expected delicately.
Even as a Virgo, Huo Mian didn’t get the patience to peel an orange such as this.
Huo Mian nodded, but she still didn’t dare to seem up…
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It wasn’t mainly because it was expensive or got a emotional result. For reasons unknown, she observed that it orange was very great.
“I want the most effective sort.”
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Anytime Su Yu joked about this, Huo Mian would politely reject him or simply straight up refuse him.
Huo Mian was furious in the mention of Ning Zhiyuan.
Huo Mian didn’t say a single thing. As a substitute, she lowered her mind and ate her orange quietly.
“Durians…” An hesitated.
“I can’t and I don’t dare. I’ll deliver a person to purchase it now.”
It absolutely was somewhat completely different from one other community.
Su Yu looked over the mountain of fruit baskets.
Well before Huo Mian could answer back, Su Yu chosen, “Buy as many as you are able to.”
Huo Mian nodded, but she still didn’t dare to appear up…
Lastly, a clean orange was given to Huo Mian.
“Mian, I am acquiring discharged the next day.”
At last, a fresh orange was given to Huo Mian.
“I can’t plus i don’t dare. I’ll mail someone to purchase it now.”
“How lots of?”
But on this planet, he was with a health professional branded He Gentleman.
“Buy durians for our health care worker.”

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