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The Camera's Behavior is Different To Minecraft's

The first version, which was released on December 2, 2009, was more restricted than any other edition of Minecraft ever released to the general public, including the pre-classic version accessible via the Minecraft Launcher. The controls were modified and more blocks were added to the game. [2]

In November 2014, the initial page hosting the game was taken down. You can still access the archive using the Wayback Machine. The executable is also available on the Internet Archive.

On December 2, 2012, Notch released the JavaScript version of Minecraft 4k. It is not possible to move or view in this version, but the camera or the world can move on its own and there is a blue water-like block in addition to the other types of block. [3]

1 Gameplay 1.1 General, 1.2 World 1.3 Controls



The player is able to place and destroy blocks. The only block a player can place is grass, similar to the very first versions of Minecraft internally known as RubyDung that are available from the Minecraft Launcher. Leaves do not decay.


Every time the game loads the exact 64x64x63-block universe is generated. The only blocks in the game - grass block, air, bricks, dirt, stone leaves, wood and bricks - are scattered throughout the world. No mobs exist.

The game's initial build employs one kind of block. It makes use of an XOR Fractal texture.

An invisible wall surrounds the world, preventing the player from escaping, similar to the bedrock that is invisible or an old world.


The player can move using normal WASD controls, as also jumping using Space.

Left- and right-clicking controls are reversed from traditional Minecraft controls; left-click places blocks and right-click destroys them. Middle-click also places blocks in a way that isn't enough. The camera is "smoothly" activated by moving the mouse, similar to pressing F8 in Java Edition. This version cannot be altered.

The camera acts differently to Minecraft's. The camera only moves when the cursor moves far enough away from the center of Minecraft's viewport. The cursor is able to select blocks from the world, but is not the center of the viewport.

The game does not include an options menu , nor a HUD.


Since the game renders at a low resolution, the graphics appear as if they are pixelated. Even at higher resolution the game doesn't scale the resolution correctly and the noisy appearance is retained. Block textures are similar to those used in Classic because Classic 0.30 (Creative) was the most current version of Minecraft at the time. Most blocks appear louder than their Minecraft counterparts, but some blocks, especially stone, appear different. The lack of a skybox indicates that the sky is black.

When you hover your cursor over the block, the outline of the block is thick and white, as opposed to Minecraft's thin gray outline of the block selection.

A comparison of Minecraft 4k's and Minecraft Classic's block textures.

A screenshot of the thick outline of white that surrounds the block.

Another image illustrating the same.


The original version of the game has only one non-air-block.

The second version stores block IDs using four bits. This gives 16 possible IDs. all about minecraft servers and plugins The majority of these are filled in with slightly different-textured dirt.


a B "Minecraft 4k (very early build)" (archived) by Markus_Persson - 3 December 2009. "Minecraft 4k (very early build)" (archived) by Markus_Persson -, December 3, 2009. "Widescreen! There are many kinds of blocks! You can build and destroy blocks! A new mouse style that makes it easier to use the left and right buttons. Fewer bugs! Also, the .pack.gz is STILL under 2kb :P" | "Trying" - @notch (Markus Persson) on Twitter, December 2, 2012 See also[]

Minicraft Another contest game. Prelude of the Chambered: Another game designed to be a part of a contest. Zombie Town: An unreleased sequel to "Left 4k Dead" another game Notch developed for the Java 4K contest. Miners4k is another game Notch developed for the Java 4K contest.

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