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"Adrienne, wake up right now!" My eyes dart open and I groan "Ugh, what?" I ask, already grumpy. "School starts in 5 minutes!" My mom says, in a very annoyed tone. "I slept through my alarm! I will get dressed right now!" I reply and jump out of my bed. "Mhm, okay listen, I am gonna wait in the car, your project is sitting on the kitchen table." My mom says, proceeding to close my door in a hurry. I start to panic, I TOTALLY FORGOT. My project! I jump into my pants and throw on a T-shirt, I swipe up my backpack and I run downstairs, faster than ever! I sprint to the kitchen table and carefully walk out the door with my project. I set my project in the back seat of my moms car and I hop into the passenger seat. My mom begins driving with a very annoyed look on her face. "I didn't mean to sleep in, I told you I needed a new alarm clock!" I say to my mom. "yeah, I know. I will get you one today." We arrive at my school and i swing the car door open in a hurry. "Bye mom, love you!" I say quickly as I grab my project. I run through the school doors with my books held tight in one arm and my project being held up high in my other arm and sweat dripping down my face, I burst through my classroom door and stop to catch my breath. I look at the clock and realize that I am 10 minutes late! My face turns red and I begin to apologize to my teacher. “Ms., I am so sorry! I was up all night finishing my project and I accidentally slept in and-” My teacher cuts me off “Its okay, just have a seat” she says. I nod and walk to my desk and place my project on it and I take a seat. My teacher begins talking about our project.
Before I can listen to her, my eyes slowly shut. “So as you all know, you guys had a project!
They all look great and I am so excited to have you guys present them to the whole class, you guys were expected to create an island based on dreams you have had! If you never have dreams, you were asked to find out some dreams your friends and family had! First one presenting will be....Adrienne!” “Adrienne?” I feel a tap on my shoulder and look up, “Adrienne, wake up! You have to present your project” I yawn and apologize, I pick up my project and walk to the front of the class with a very nervous feeling in my tummy. So many thoughts come rushing through my head, What if she doesn't like it? What if I get a bad grade? WHAT IF THE OTHERS LAUGH AT ME BECAUSE THEY WERE MORE CREATIVE!?! I take a deep breath and set my project on my teachers desk. “So my island I created has.... has...” I yawn and rub my eyes “Adrienne, maybe you should go last? Take a quick nap at your desk” My teacher suggests. I nod and walk back to my desk, I lay my head down and close my eyes. I feel a tap on my shoulder again and wake up, but nobody is around. I'm not even in class anymore! I am on a sunny island with pink sand and giant sand castles?? “Wh-what? What's going on?!” I exclaim. I begin to walk towards the water and splash some on my face, my skin begins to tingle a bit but stops after a few seconds. I look around and come to a realization... This island looks exactly like the island I made for my project! I notice a palm tree with some coconuts in it, I rub my tummy and look up at the coconuts “Gosh, I didn't even eat anything this morning...” I take a deep breath and walk towards the tree knowing I have no other choice but to climb it and retrieve a coconut. After about 10 minutes, I get a coconut but quickly realize I have no way of opening it. I let out a deep sigh and hear a soft voice behind me, “Need some help with that?” I turn around and see a small girl, with sparkly pink wings, mint green hair, a short staff, and a puffy purple dress..
“Uh- I- uhm...” Words try to escape my mouth but they literally cant, my instincts take over and I begin to run. "YOU DONT HAVE TO BE AFRAID!" I hear the small girl yell. I stop running and turn around, I slowly walk back to the girl with a very confused look on my face. The girl smiles at me, with her purple dress flowing with the gentle breeze. “I'm Lacy! Let me help you with that.” she points at the coconut I dropped on the ground and grabs it, she holds it up and waves her staff in the air. A pink storm of dust floats around the coconut and next thing I know, the coconut is opened with a straw and a tiny umbrella in it, ready to drink and eat. I stare at the coconut in amazement and look back to where Lacy was, but she is gone, but there is a note on the ground. I picked up the note and read it “Dear Adrienne, I had to leave for an emergency but if you want to escape this dream, you have to drink coconut milk. I know it may taste gross to you but trust me! -Lacy” I stare down at the coconut and sigh, I pick it up and begin drinking it with a disgusted look on my face. After I finish drinking it, I wait to see what happens. “Ugh, if it's just a dream or something, why do I have to do something weird to wake up!?” I exclaim, I begin to feel dizzy and get a headache, next thing I know, I black out. Out of nowhere, I'm standing in front of my class with my project and everybody is clapping. “Adrienne, that was a great presentation! You may take a seat.” My teacher says, “What?” I say confused, I look around and take a seat. I stare at my project, trying to figure out what just happened. “Psssst, hey Adrienne” I hear a kid whisper, I turn and look at the kid. “That was a very cool project! I wish my dreams had pink sand and small fairies in them.” The kid smiles and looks back at the teacher. I look back at my project and still taste the coconut flavor on my tongue, I stare at the project and try to put the pieces together. Was I living my presentation? Was it all a dream? I take a deep breath and try to continue my day, I gasp quickly and raise my hand “can I have some water? I taste co- I have a weird taste in my mouth...” My teacher nods and I get some water. I sit back down and try to continue my day.

Sometimes, something happens, or you THINK something happens. Something that happens that you think about for days, weeks, months, years, or your whole life. For as long as you think about it, you try to figure out exactly what it was and what exactly happened, but you get frustrated because you can think of a reasonable explanation for it. Trust me, I know that feeling... The day goes by, I barley get any work done. All I could think about was the "dream" I had. Before I know it, the school day is over. I grab all my things, along with my project, and begin walking to the door. "Oh, Adrienne! Can I speak with you?" My teacher says to me. "Oh, yeah, of course!" I set my project down and walk over to my teachers desk. "Well, I was very impressed with your project, so, do you think I could keep it displayed here in class for the semester?" My teacher asks me with a very pleased look on her face. I smile at her and look at my project. "Well, thank you! I would love that." I reply. "Great! It will be displayed here tomorrow! Have a great rest of your day!" My teacher says. I nod and walk out the classroom, towards the school doors. I walk out and begin making my way home. As I walk home, all I could thing about was what had happened. I get home and grab a quick snack before heading up to my room. I lay in my bed and begin to think as hard as I possibly can about what had happened. "It.. It felt too real to be a dream, but too fantasy like to be real life..." I begin to get so frustrated, I start to have a headache, maybe the worst headache I ever had! I groan and turn off my bedroom light, I flop into my bed and just as I am about to drift off to sleep... "Adrienne! I am home!" I hear my mom yell from downstairs. Too tired to yell back, just stare at my wall, trying to fall asleep. I close my eyes and finally drift off to sleep.
"Oh Oh! She is back!" "Look everybody, Look!" "Ooo, can she be my friend?" "What's her name?" "She looks funny" I hear a lot of voices around me, my eyes slowly open and all I see is a bunch of small, fairy like people, crowded around me! "Oh my- IM HERE AGAIN?!" I exclaim. "I thought humans were myths!" "Maybe she isn't even a human.." "No, no, no! She is a human, everybody, go back home please, I must speak with her!" I hear a familiar voice say. The crowd of people run away, leaving only one standing above me... "Hiiiiii, remember meeeee???" Lacy says in a playful voice. I look around then back at Lacy and nod slowly, "Uh, yeah, I remember you..." I reply with a confused and slightly annoyed tone. "Great!" Lacy exclaims, "Welcome back!". I stare at Lacy and begin to slowly stand up. "Why am I back here again? I wanna go home!" I yell. "Oh, well, why did you come back if you don't like it here? Well you should like it here. YOU created THIS island!" Lacy replies. "okay, first off, I did not want to come back! My head hurt so I took a nap. Second off, I am very aware I created this place, its a little creepy honestly..." I reply very annoyed. "Actually, no, its VERY creepy. Like a weird haunted house, but on an island!" I exclaim with a slightly terrified voice. "What do you mean "haunted house'? This place is not scary at all! Its pretty cool huh? Did you know the sand is edible? Its very yummy, I tasted it while you were gone. Sorry! Did you even see the inside of the giant sand castles?!" Lacy exclaims happily continuing to say whatever comes to her mind. I cut her off "No, and no... and I don't care! I just want to go back home and NEVER come back here EVER again..." I reply, starting to get mad.
"But why?" Lacy asks. "BECAUSE THIS PLACE IS VERY WEIRD AND CREEPY FOR SOME ODD REASON AND I CAN NEVER SLEEP IN PEACE BECAUSE EVERY TIME I DO SLEEP, I WAKE UP HERE, AND I BET I HAVE TO DRINK THAT WEIRD COCONUT MILK EVERYTIME I WANT TO "WAKE UP", DONT I?!?" I yell. "Well, for the coconut milk part, ding ding ding! you got it right, but you will get used to the taste!" Lacy replies, not even phased after I just yelled at her. I stare at Lacy just like how I stare at my sister when she eats my leftovers. Lacy's face of excitement and joy turns to a face of confusion and sadness. "You... really don't like this place?" Lacy asks me with an upset tone. "No! This place freaks me out!" I reply, getting more and more scared by the second. "Okay then... here" Lacy says, handing me a familiar coconut. I stare at the coconut in disgust. "You want me to drink this again?" I ask lacy. "Yep! If you want to go home, you have to!" Lacy replies with an oddly joyful look on her face. I sigh and take of sip of the coconut milk. Lacy flies away happily, humming a joyful tune. I get dizzy, my tummy begins to ache... then I black out... again... I wake back up in my room, with my head feeling better .I sit up and take a sip of water to get the coconut flavor off my tongue, I look around and notice the craft materials I left on my bedroom floor from my school project. Then I got to thinking... I jump up out of my bed and begin to make a whole new island! this time, making the island futuristic, with flying cars, floating houses, teleportation machines, robots, everything I could think of. I work on the project for Hours, which felt like forever, and ever, and ever, and ever, and ever, AND EVER!

Some things can take a year to complete, other things can take an hour to complete, while some things take a few hours to complete but feels like you just spent your whole entire life working on it and making it absolutely perfect, or maybe that's just me... Finally, I finish my creation. I stare at my creation with a grin on my face, wiping my sweat from my forehead. I set my island, or in this case, city, on my dresser. I continue to stare at it, trying to figure out how to make my plan work. I zone out as I stare at my city. "Adrienne! Dinner!" My mom yells from downstairs, making me jump back. I breathe heavily and place my hand on my chest, feeling my heart beat insanely fast. I go downstairs and get a bottle of water from the garage. "I made chicken and rice" My mom says, as I walk back inside from the garage. "I know its not your favorite, but, its raining outside so I decided not to go to the store." I look at the plate of food she made me and frown slightly, "its fine, I'll eat it" I reply as I take a seat at the dinner table. I begin to eat the chicken, saving the rice for last. "So, when is dad supposed to be home?" I ask my mom, proceeding to take another bite of chicken. "Very late, at around 12:00 am. So after your in bed" My mom replies, standing up to put her dishes in the sink. I nod and continue to eat, moving onto the rice. "So..." My mom says, "Did your teacher like your project?" She asks in an excited tone. "Mhm!" I mumble with my mouth full of rice. I quickly chew it up and swallow it, "She actually wanted to display it in class for the rest of the semester! She loved it" I smile. My moms face lights up and gasps, "That's amazing Adrienne! You go, girl!" She replies, giving me a high five.
I finish up my food and put my dishes in the sink. "Can I go outside please? I want to play in the rain!" I ask my mom with my hands clasped tightly. My mom sighs, "Yes, only because you did a great job on your project. Wear your raincoat, jeans, and boots!" My mom replies with a pleased smile on her face. I thank her and quickly put on all the things she told me to, Grabbing my waterproof camera. I run towards the front door and swing it open. "I got you a new alarm clock like I said! Its on the counter!" My mom yells as I run out the door. "Thanks!" I reply pulling the door shut. I run out into the yard and notice a pile of dirt, that had turned into mud from the rain. I gasp happily and begin to dig in the mud with my bare hands, hoping to find a worm. I keep digging and find one of the biggest worms I ever found in our yard. I take out my camera and take a few photos of my discovery. Not ready to put the worm back, I carry him with me as I wander around the yard. "Hey Adrienne!" I hear from the distance, I look up and see my friend, Casey, darting across the neighbors yards. "Hi Casey!" I reply, giving her a hug. "You finally got a raincoat!" I say, staring at the red one she is wearing. "Yep, and you finally have a pet!" Casey replies, pointing at the worm in my hand. I giggle, "Yeah, I found him while I was digging through mud. Stay here! I'm going to put him in a jar and keep him as a pet, now that you mention it." Casey nods as I walk inside my house, but not before stomping my feet on the welcome mat, on the porch. I grab a jar from the kitchen cabinet and unscrew the lid, plopping the worm inside it. I walk back outside holding the jar in one hand and the lid in the other.
"We should add dirt and grass into the jar!" Casey suggest. I nod and look around. "There is no dirt though! Just mud! Could that work?" I ask. 'it could, but... maybe half dirt, half mud?" Casey replied. "Where do we get the dirt from?" I reply, looking around desperately. "My moms flower pots! She has a lot of plants and flowers inside, I will go get some!" Casey says, sprinting back to her house. I nod and pull the worm out the jar, putting mud on one side, pressing my hand against it so it does not move to the other side. I hear a door slam shut and see Casey running through the yards again, with dirt from her moms flower pots bouncing in her hand. Casey sits down next to me and fills the other side up with the dirt. "All we need now is some grass!" Casey says, and she pulls a bit of grass from the yard. She places the grass evenly on top of the mud and dirt. "There! All done" Casey says, with a very joyful expression upon her face. "Yeah, but... stay here one more time!" I dart to my house, stomping on the welcome mat, I dart inside and run back out with an empty soda can, a cup of water, and scissors. I sit down and begin to cut the soda can in half, creating a small cup. Casey stares at me in confusion. "What are you doing?" She asks, holding the worm protectively in her hands. "You will see..." I mumble, pressing the small cup in the middle of the jar. I get the cup of water and fill up the small cup. I look at Casey and hold up the jar. "Look! Now he has a little, private pond to drink from and to take baths in!" Casey smiles and sets the worm gently inside the jar, onto the dirt side. I screw on the lid, tightly, and smile. Me and Casey give each other a high five and stare at the jar, proud of our creation and excited to take care of our new pet.

Even when nothing bad is happening or is going to happen, sometimes you just get that one bad feeling in your tummy. As if something is wrong that you don't know about but your body does. As me and Casey examine our worms home, Casey all of a sudden groans and rubs her tummy. "Are you okay?" I ask, staring at her hand as it rubs her belly. "Yeah, my tummy just started to hurt all of a sudden" Casey replies, still rubbing her tummy. "Do you need to go home? I can walk you." I ask Casey, putting my hand on shoulder. Casey nods, grabbing the jar and standing up. "You take care of him for a week and I take care of him for a week, and we keeping trading him to each other. Okay?" Casey says, handing me the jar. I nod and start to walk with her to the side walk. We stop at her house and hug her. "Will you be at school tomorrow?" I ask. "Probably..." Casey replies, hugging me and walking inside her house. She smiles slightly and waves awkwardly to me. I look down at the jar in my hands and walk home. I reach my house and stomp on the welcome mat again, proceeding to go inside. I take off my raincoat and boots, I grab my new alarm clock my mom got me off the counter and run upstairs to change into comfier pants. I set the jar on my dresser, smiling at the worm as he digs into the dirt. I set my alarm clock on my table, next to my bed and get it set up. Time passes by, being only five minutes until my bed time. I jump up and change into my pajamas and sprint into the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair. I walk back into my room and stare at my city I made earlier, I get up and examine the city, trying to remember as much details as I can. I turn off my lamp and climb into bed, I begin to get a bad feeling in my tummy, just like Casey had. I shrug it off and try my best to sleep. I close my eyes and eventually fall asleep.
I wake up and hear the sound of cheering and yelling. I open my eyes and almost faint, not thinking it would work... I realize I am in the futuristic city I made! I gasp and look to the direction I heard the cheering and yelling from. "As the proud founder and creator of the first ever, flyable car, I am happy to announce that the "Electric Eagle" is now for sale!" Everybody screams and cheers, making my ears hurt. The "Electric Eagle"..." I say to myself. I rub my eyes and walk up the the car everybody was yelling about. A security guard steps in front of me, blocking me from walking anymore. "young lady... can I help you?" The security guard asks me, staring at me with a calm but creepy face. "Uh, no sir, just glancing at the new car!" I reply, trying to be as calm as possible. "Hm, okay, how old are you miss? Where are you parents? Are you lost?" The guard asks, stepping closer to me. "I am 13 years old sir, I uh..." I look around and spot a tall apartment building. "I live in that tall apartment building up there!" I say, pointing at it. The guard glances where I'm pointing then looks back at me. "Well, where are your parents?" he asks me again. I look down and back up at the building. "They are watching me from our apartment..." I reply, nervously. The guard kneels down, getting face to face with me, "Well, miss, that "building" Is actually a bank. So why don't you tell me why you lied to me?" The guard replies, with a grumpy face. I gasp and look down, not knowing what to do, I look around and sprint towards a coffee shop with no plan at all. I hear the guard yell for back up and hear loud, fast footsteps behind me. Are they really chasing a kid? What's wrong with them!? I swing open the doors of the coffee shop and run behind the counter, next to the lady at standing there. "Please don't let them know I'm here miss..." I whisper to the lady. She looks down and nods. I hear the doors swing and and the guard walk up to the counter. "Hi! If you would like the order something, please use those big tablets on the wall. I'm just here to monitor everything." The lady says with a joyful and calm tone. "Miss, have you seen a little girl with brown hair, brown eyes, and pajamas come in here at all?" The guard asks in a very serious tone. The lady glances down at me quickly and shakes her head, "No sir" She replies. The guards thank her and leave.
I stand up and thank the lady. I sit down in one of the chairs and try to figure out how to get home this time. On the other island, I drank coconut milk, maybe coffee will work? I stand up and look at the menus on a tablet. As I'm scrolling, I see all the normal things. Coffee, Frappuccino's, food. I keep looking and press the "Original items" tab, I scroll through and notice the original coffee recipe called "Ms. Adrenaline" I click on it and read the description of it. "Your daily energy boost to wake you up and be ready for the day!" Well that must be it, hopefully, I walk up to the lady. "Miss, is it possible to let me take just one sip of the Ms. Adrenaline coffee? I really need to! Just one sip!" I ask the lady and beg. The lady looks at me with a confused face then nods, she goes into the back on the shop and comes out with a small cup with just enough coffee for a sip. I thank her and walk out shop, making sure the guards aren't around. I walk behind the shop and take a sip of the coffee "Ew, how do adults drink this stuff?" I say to myself, coughing very dramatically. Then the same thing happened, I got dizzy, my head hurt, then... I blacked out... AGAIN! I wake up on my bed and check the time, its 4:27 am. I stare at my project on the dresser and sigh. I get up and quietly walk to the bathroom to get some water from the sink, I splash water on my face and look at the mirror "So, my theory is correct..." I whisper to myself.
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