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deadmau5 ‏@deadmau5 5m5 minutes ago
deadmau5 retweeted Josh Wilson
Night night. deadmau5 added,
Josh Wilson @Sonicjosh789
@EvilGeniuses wins #TI5 in a great match and @Deadmau5 puts the whole stadium to sleep!
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deadmau5 ‏@deadmau5 12m12 minutes ago
deadmau5 retweeted Supalupa
I did everything I was told to do, and when to do it. Redirect the crybaby shit elsewhere. I got a busy night. deadmau5 added,
Supalupa @SupalupaX
@deadmau5 I thouht your performance was good, just think it would have been better as an opener or after the EG interview as a finisher.
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deadmau5 ‏@deadmau5 14m14 minutes ago
deadmau5 retweeted Blake Bottrill
Pretty much sums up twitch in a nutshell ;) deadmau5 added,
Blake Bottrill @BlakeBottrill
@itsSlicer @deadmau5 All I see is a lot of people complaining about something that there should be no reason to complain about.
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deadmau5 ‏@deadmau5 19m19 minutes ago
oh, and those lucky enough to see that VR / portal demo...? thats some insane stuff. :)
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deadmau5 ‏@deadmau5 21m21 minutes ago
deadmau5 retweeted Henry Levine
i am pitlord. deadmau5 added,
Henry Levine @Darthelmet
@deadmau5 That was bizarre and completely out of place in a tournament closing ceremony. Also, WHERE IS PIT LORD?
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deadmau5 ‏@deadmau5 27m27 minutes ago
deadmau5 retweeted Collin
Preperale.... or Dr. Prepper. .... 7Prep if they dont have either. deadmau5 added,
Collin @DecayedZombie
@deadmau5 choice of drink?
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deadmau5 ‏@deadmau5 29m29 minutes ago
deadmau5 retweeted Matt Weller
how does one prepare to close an event? LOL. curious. deadmau5 added,
Matt Weller @mattwellergames
@deadmau5 Prepare for the closing event, the ending of TI5 fell square you're shoulders and it felts like Valve threw you under the bus
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deadmau5 ‏@deadmau5 31m31 minutes ago
deadmau5 retweeted Matt Weller
prepare? prepare what? deadmau5 added,
Matt Weller @mattwellergames
@deadmau5 I would be requesting Valve step up and take the rap, most people are assuming you where payed to be there and had time to prepare
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deadmau5 ‏@deadmau5 33m33 minutes ago
WARNING: I'll likely be drinking and playing some weird anti-gamer techno music at tonights afterparty. bring kleenex.
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deadmau5 ‏@deadmau5 36m36 minutes ago
deadmau5 retweeted Kevin Silvagnoli
20 something million viewers we figure. that'll do it. Valve just asked me to show up, thats all i did. LOL deadmau5 added,
Kevin Silvagnoli @kevino025
@deadmau5 is this an unusual amount of hate for you or is this how it is everyday? I mean seriously what is wrong with people?
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deadmau5 ‏@deadmau5 43m43 minutes ago
deadmau5 retweeted Andrew Kappa
gabba neo hardstep trance next time. promise. deadmau5 added,
@brayllcs @deadmau5 It's not that it was a bad performance, it's just it was chill as opposed to hyper and exciting, ya know?
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deadmau5 ‏@deadmau5 45m45 minutes ago
deadmau5 retweeted Jorge The Avillez
no. not really. why? deadmau5 added,
Jorge The Avillez @JorgeDeAvillez
@deadmau5 you even making music anymore or what?
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deadmau5 ‏@deadmau5 48m48 minutes ago
some high sodium content right now.
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deadmau5 ‏@deadmau5 52m52 minutes ago
on hindsight, im not even sure what i was supposed to play.
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deadmau5 ‏@deadmau5 54m54 minutes ago
deadmau5 retweeted Victor Blanco
want a glance of bofa? deadmau5 added,
Victor Blanco @el_vitolacho
@TobiWanDOTA I would prefered a glance of the Pit Lord than @deadmau5
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deadmau5 ‏@deadmau5 54m54 minutes ago
deadmau5 retweeted Nick Barra
that camera guy was feeling some kinda way. totally stole the show. deadmau5 added,
Nick Barra @BARxMusic
Omg the fuckin intense camera zooming was so hilarious @deadmau5
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deadmau5 ‏@deadmau5 56m56 minutes ago
#TI5 fans... u mad? yeah. u mad. y u mad tho?
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deadmau5 retweeted
Pikmin Fan ‏@pikminfan 1h1 hour ago
@deadmau5 Could you really not just play an upbeat song? Did you really have to play some shitty minimal edgy mix? #ShutUpandPlaytheHits
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deadmau5 ‏@deadmau5 1h1 hour ago
deadmau5 retweeted Ioannis Loucas
Is joke. Chill. deadmau5 added,
Ioannis Loucas @ArchonFogged
@deadmau5 @Josefinehotgirl cdec played their hearts out
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deadmau5 ‏@deadmau5 1h1 hour ago
deadmau5 retweeted Josefine Segerqvist
Josefine Segerqvist @Josefinehotgirl
@deadmau5 you suck that fucking sucked
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deadmau5 ‏@deadmau5 1h1 hour ago
Congrats scrubs! Seeya tonight! @EvilGeniuses @DOTA2 @ppdDota @UniverseDota @FearDotA @SumaaaaiL @Aui_2000 @CharlieCYang
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deadmau5 ‏@deadmau5 1h1 hour ago
deadmau5 retweeted Andres Mostaccero
Why not. Fuckit! deadmau5 added,
Andres Mostaccero @AndresMostaccer
@deadmau5 whyyyyy levels in the middle of strobe??????
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deadmau5 ‏@deadmau5 1h1 hour ago
Well that was a fun little intermission. Time to get serious at the after party. :)
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