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The Brief History of INTEL

Before naming Intel the first name was NM Electronics for a period of 1 year, Before “Intel” name was already a trademark of a hotel chain named Intelco, So they decided to buy the rights for the name and finally they succeeded in it.Intel name was derived from the word” intelligence”, it is a multinational corporation company, The Epic journey of Intel had started on July 18, 1968 at Mountain View, California, US.
The company was founded by 3 people one was by Gordon E. Moore (physicist & chemist), Robert Noyce (physicist) and Arthur Rock (investor). Rober Noyce and Gordon Moore were two unhappy engineers who were working for Fairchild Semiconductor Company. Intel’s third employee was Andy Grove (chemical engineer). As per the Intel records the total investment at the beginning was $2.5million, by the next couple of years Intel share had gone up to $6.8 million, Intel’s single share was $23.50.
Intel first product was in 1969, the 3101 (RAM) Schottky bipolar random access memory, within a year it started to taste the success, then it produced the first (SRAM) static random access memory chips and (MOS) metal oxide semiconductor.
One of there client from Japan named Busicom, had asked them to build twelve separate chips for display control, printer control, keyboard scanning and many other functions, The problem started then because Intel did not have the manpower but it had good brainpower. As per the intel they had an engineer named Ted Hoff who build up one chip which would do the work of twelve, Busicom agreed to this idea, So by then Intel had wrote a software for the new chip. It took them around nine long months, finally they had completed it. it was consisting around 2,300 Metal oxide semiconductor (MOS) and transistors and around 1/8th inch wide by 1/6th inch long, the chip had filled with 18,00 vacuum tubes and it was having the power as the ENIAC(Electrical Numerical Integrator And Calculator).
Intel is usually a clever player, by then they had knew they had invented something new which would create history for them, so then they brought back the rights from Busicom for $60,000. Within year Busicom was bankrupt.
By the early 1980′s its business was dominated by dynamic random access memory chips maker, because there was more competitions from the Japanese , By then IBM tasted the success of personal computer, so this had convinced CEO Andrew Grove to shift its focus on microprocessors. even they started to gain income from this move , After 10 yrs Intel had grown at a very rapid pace, so there were no much competitors for it.
This the first microprocessor4004 which hit the market commercially
In 1991 Intel launched a marketing campaign named as “INTEL INSIDE” it had touched every people by the name.
In 1993 it introduce the Pentium, its a fifth generation chip, In 1997 it had introduced Pentium 11 microprocessor, In 2000 it had introduced the very first 1 gigahertz processor, Now Intel had changed the world of computers by innovating new things, there main aim is to increase the processing speed as much as possible
In 2011 Intel had faced many up’s and down’s, in 2000, the growth of high end microprocessors slowed. There was only one competitor AMD. Intel had faced much litigation. Many companies were trying to copy what Intel was doing. Intel had filed a Law suit, but US did not initially recognize intellectual property right, related to microprocessors topology, Until the Semiconductor chip protection Act came into place, Then Intel sued all the company which was to develop their design for the chips.
Intel had joined hands with Apple on June 6, 2005. On January 10, 2006, the first Macintosh containing Intel CPUs were announced,.
In March 2011, Intel introduced the first and so far the only mobile Celeron processor with Sandy Bridge core. In 2011, Intel announced that it will add new sensors to its server chips which will help the efficiency of data center cooling systems. In 2012, it’s planning to enter into the Tablet world and Smartphone’s by designing the processors.
There are many things about Intel to write, but I’m running out of time and the article is also getting longer, I just want it to keep it simple, and little deeper.

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