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Tectonic Features and Phenomena.

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A student is writing about how tsunamis can affect his region of the country. Complete the following introductory paragraph so that it is accurate.
Coastal regions that lie close to an underwater fault face a greater risk of tsunamis. Tsunamis are
>enormous sea waves<
that submerge entire regions on the shore, causing large-scale damage. Most often, tsunamis are caused by
that occur along faults deep within the ocean.

Select the correct location on the image.
The map shows a number of volcanic islands formed over a hot spot near eastern Asia. The arrow shows the direction in which the tectonic plate is moving. Identify the oldest island in the chain.
answer: Japan

Earth’s surface is made up of tectonic plates that move independently of one another. List one physical feature on Earth’s surface that resulted from tectonic movement and explain your choice.

answer: Landform Tectonic. When two of the tectonic plates collide, they can push upward and then form mountains/mountain chain.

The oceanic crust of one plate is colliding with the continental crust of another plate. Which of these events are likely to take place as the two plates collide?

answer: The top layer of the oceanic crust is added to the continental crust.
Trenches are formed along the plate boundary.
Violent earthquakes can occur deep in the ground.

The Alps Mountain range lies near the boundary of the Eurasian Plate and the African Plate. These mountains are thought to be the result of two continental plates colliding. Which of these statements would provide evidence for this theory?

answer: The mountains are continuously increasing in size.
Periodic earthquakes occur in the region.

Which of these statements are true about hydrothermal vents?

answer: Hydrothermal vents form due to oceanic-oceanic divergence.
Hydrothermal vents can support an ecosystem through the process of chemosynthesis.
Hot water is the primary substance emitted from a hydrothermal vent.

How are the three types of boundaries similar? How are they different?

The similarities are that a boundary of any kind marks the line between two tectonic plates. Similarities between divergent and convergent boundaries include magma or lava flows, formation of new topographic features and re-shaping of landmasses.
1. Causes: Radiogenic heat rises to heat molten magma. - Effect: Magma at the core-mantle boundary rises and convection currents are formed. This is because, the heat from the rising mantle leads to convection currents and made the core-mantle to rise gradually from bottom to top.

2. Cause: Earth is covered by a crust that runs miles deep - Effect: The mantle is insulated from the atmosphere and retains tremendous heat.

3. Cause: Tectonic plates at transform boundaries experience friction - Effect: Pressure builds up, eventually leading to an earthquake. This is because, earthquake occurs because there is tension and strain between the tectonic plates due to the energy that is released when the plates actually move.

First answer: a transform boundary causes excessive amounts of friction between two tectonic plates.

2nd answer - a tsunami

Explanation: This boundary is often associated with earthquakes because the plates rub against each other, causing friction.

tsunami is a large tidle wave.

2. Continental and oceanic plates collide due to the movement of plates.
5. The dense oceanic plate sinks beneath the buoyant continental plate, and water from the oceanic crust enters the mantle.
3. Rocks from the existing crust enter the mantle and undergo partial melting.
1. The interaction of fluids and melted rocks molten magma. The magma breaks through earth's crust under enormous pressure
4. Once exposed to air, the magma cools rapidly into a solid form called rock

A wide range of waves, including tidal waves, have a wavelength, a wave tallness, a plentifulness, a recurrence or period, and a speed.

Wavelength is characterized as the separation between two indistinguishable focuses on a wave (for example between wave peaks or wave troughs).

Ordinary sea waves have wavelengths of around 100 meters.

Waves have any longer wavelengths, generally estimated in kilometers and as much as 200 kilometers

The correct sort of characteristics is the following.
Mass wasting:

-It’s a movement of land triggered by gravity.

-Creep and topple are names for two types of this hazard.

-One example is mud flowing down a hill and onto a highway.


-The name means "harbor wave."

-Scientists used deep-ocean assessment and reporting (DART) to warn of this hazard.


-It can be triggered by tectonic plate movement.

When geologists study the large movements of the land or rocks from mountains and hills, they are studying the effects of mass wasting. This is when you are driving your car on a road in the middle of the mountains and you see traffic signs that warn you about "watch for debris or rocks," that fall from the top of the mountains. This phenomenon is produced by the force of gravity.

A Tsunami is a giant wave after an earthquake and makes the level of the sea rise. This phenomenon is not a common one, fortunately by man. But when it happens, it is a destructive force that destroys the cities located in the harbors.

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