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belong to @mmyungso

sage robe (+4def +8mp per turn +3attack)
rudolph sweater (+15 max hp/mp, +15 defense + 15magic attack)
justice cloak (+40%hp per turn)
myung's armor (+50 def, +15 water elemental +35 magic attack)
dark robe (+10 def +5max hp/mp +5hp/mp perturn)
aeoreon cloak (15def 10max hp/mp 15atk)
green windhelm armor (55def 25atk 45maxhp/mp)
black feather (20def 30atk 25max hp/mp)
Comet robe (eksplor) (55def 35%max hp/mp 20atk)
blury armor (30def 20atk null confundo)
dragon rider armor (62def 23atk 20max hp/mp)

justice mask (+20% mp perturn)
topi jogger (+10def for 3 turns)
elfcraft halsband ring (+5max hp +10def +5attack)
hell ring (+20 magic attack +35 fire elemental)
red sapphire (+45 magic attack +70 max hp/mp)
silver belt (+15atk +5hp/mp/turn)
cloud silver ring (+20atk +5hp/mp max)
golden snitch bracelet (15 atk 15max hp/mp)
golden snitch's necklace (15 max hp/mp 10 def)
tribal totem ring (15atk 10max hp/mp)
silver skull bracelet (20atk 10 max hp/mp 5 hp/mp perturn)
dark eye ring (25 atk 20 max hp/mp)
black altheum ring (20 atk 15 max hp/mp)
12 ashe necklace (15 atk 15 fire elemental)
devil eyes bracelet (15atk 10def 15hp/mp)
aqua blue sapphire (30 atk 30 max hp/mp 15def)
Gold bracelet (30% max hp/mp 20magic atk 25fire elemental dmg)
hazel bag (turn ganjil attack x2 turn genap defend x2)
millennium wheels (25atk 15def 35 max hp/mp)
amethyst rings (40atk 55max hp/mp)
onyx dragon cuff (45atk 25fed 10def)
dark fire dragon mask (40atk 25 max hp/mp 15 hp/mp perturn)

7 medicine
5 medical power
5 bead chain
2 bead
5 dop
15 soma
5 chewing soul
5 brp
3 revival bead
7 snuff soul
12 BOL
3 precious egg
3 special drink
5 phoenix down (half hp/fullmp)
5 goho-m
5 antidote
3 choco balls (+25hp +15mp)
1 exilir (restore 50% hp/mp 1 ally)
1 invigeration potion
1 thick golden potion
1 murtlap essence
1 strength potion
1 girding potion
2 megidola gems
1 megidolaon gem
1 agilao gem
1 medical kit

SC 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
Jinx and Healing Card
RC3 +15HP/turn
Wind EC
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Regards; Team

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