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ok so i forgot a really important detail from before (I think at least I'm not really sure) but a while ago it was like raining and I saw didi hanging out with this girl and turns out he was asking her for her umbrella and yk I got super jealous and then this morning so didi lives like 2 hours away and he was here before school opened, which shouldn't happen, guess with tho? WITH THE GIRL HE BORROWED THE UMBRELLA FROM he's so close with her now and completely replaced me like I saw him walking the hallways this morning with her he would never do that with me he's never done that with me god I'm so jealous QAQ its unnecessary. but like seriously I cant believe that he was walking with her like excuse me you've never done that with me?? I've definitely been replaced and yesterday yk the stupid he didn't deafen thing like that's just worse and then I left my glasses at home again so I cant see and then this person that I need to talk with (friend nothing weird or serious) isn't here today and now I have no one to talk tea to and my bestie I saw her this morning and I waved neither her nor the girl whom she was walking with waved at me and then when I was with someone else who waved at her alone this time she gave this really awkward and weak wave yea she def hates me now and has def replaced me I believe that she has been telling the girl she was originally walking with some stuff about me since its a mutual friend and shes now avoiding and ignoring me too I SAW MY OLD BESTIE AVOIDING ME ON PURPOSE that kinda hurts man and I just re rediscovered that I have absolutely zero friends to talk and walk with and I am like on the verge of crying and I forgot to charge my Chromebook and phone last night so I'm kinda doomed but hey at least sca is here and I gained so much weight today just isn't a good day I hate it already and I hate everyone like I really just do not want to be here. currently in English and hes literally picking me out we're talking about time management since Friday we had 30 minutes to write an essay and like I contributed my thinking on how like the time should be split up and he called me "backwards" since I said I would put more time into the conclusion of everything (not conclusion paragraph I'm saying like wrapping up per paragraph). Second period was fine I had a good conversation with May and THIS REALLY ANNOYING KID NEXT TO ME IN MY THIRD PERIOD LIKE HES COPYING ME HES LITERALLY TAKING MY WEBSITE (this website, I'm not saying I made it I'm saying like I claim it I discovered it >:T) HE LITERALLY HAS A TAB OF THIS BUT HE DOESNT USE IT AND IT BOTHERS ME SO MUCH HES SO ANNOYING EVEN LIKE OUR GRADE'S NICEST PEOPLE THINK HES ANNOYING LIKE BRUH. I spent money last year just so that i don't have to sit next to him for band i literally hate him so much hes so annoying i hate that i have classes with him he cant sit still makes stupid noises and keeps bothering me and i asked the teacher if i could get a new spot but he hasn't done anything i hate being here omg hes so annoying i cannot wait for next period already ughh if you had classes with me you would hate on him too i can HEAR you hating on him omg. Istg my Spanish teacher is insane we have another test on Wednesday bruh we barely learn anything and she did is teach us nothing we weren't even given any vocab and she just throws random words on the test. I fell asleep in Latin and now I'm desperately asking everyone who their latin teacher is and / or asking them for latin notes and in the worst case scenario i have to ask my ex uhhhhhhh YEA ANYWAYS last period is maths so no issue with that except I'm blind and was too busy texting for like the first ten minutes i had to go onenote and fix my notes uh what else yea that's kinda my day today yk what I'll ask my ex just so i can get a response from him and watch him NOT respond LOL
(Also total side note I know that didi isn't with me or anything like that but I still get jealous ok QAQ, and yes i am like talking about 3 guys at once its complicated I'm not a playgirl or smth i just have issues oop-)
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