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E3 2022: Gaming Bonanza or Covid-hit Bore?

E3 2021: Gaming bonanza or Covid-hit bore? By Steffan Powell Newsbeat gaming reporter

It's not surprising that there were only a few genuinely new games revealed at this year's E3 convention.

Covid has had a severe impact on game development, as shown by the numerous delays in recent releases of games.

Shay Thompson, Press X to Keep reviewing this year's event, says it was "a lot" of padding. Her colleague Gav Murphy wonders if they couldn't have "just had another year off".

There were also some brand new games and plenty of fresh footage was shown off.

What were the highlights?

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2

A mysterious red-black flame flickers.

There are flashes of a blonde hero struggling, and then falling, as the screen fades to darkness.

The trailer for the sequel to Nintendo's game Breath Of the Wild whipped fans online into awe at the announcement that it will be out in 2022.

The absence of a specific release date may concern some however, the gameplay shown seemed to go down an unpopular storm with gamers.

It was the culmination of the entire convention, although there may be some displeasure that there was little other of this caliber shown by Nintendo.

Forza Horizon 5

Racing game Forza Horizon 5 was announced at Microsoft's conference on Sunday. It will be played in Mexico.

Later, it was chosen as the most anticipated game to be presented at the convention.

Shay says, "It looks so much fun."

"It's arcade-style gaming goodness. It's evident that the team has spent a significant amount of time researching the subject and then translated into the game.

"It's what games will look like on the next generation of consoles."

The game is also among the few major releases expected to be playable later in the coming year. Other games, such as Starfield and Elden Ring are scheduled for 2022.

Some may be disappointed that Playground Games (the studio that made Forza Horizon) didn't have any evidence of their work on the Fable game, which we are aware is currently in development.


Ever since being teased in 2018 there have been questions as to what it is.

Starfield is an exciting role-playing game, has become well-known. It involves flying a spacecraft and exploring galaxies and embarking on adventures hundreds of thousands of years in the future.

The first franchise that has been developed in the past 25 years by Fallout and Elder Scrolls developer, Bethesda, will be an Xbox exclusive.

It is scheduled to be released in 2022.

Sea of Thieves

For Gav It was the unexpected collaboration between Sea of Thieves and Pirates of the Caribbean that took the show to new heights.

"It's adding more story-based content to the game," he says.

"You'll be able to go off on missions with Pirates of the Caribbean characters However, the world will not be swept away by the characters, so this doesn't seem like a weird, cynical cash-in.

"Sea of Thieves" is best when you complete cool missions with your friends. This is why we are adding more content to Sea of Thieves."

Elden Ring

This week, a question was answered: "What is Elden Ring?"

The collaboration between Game of Thrones author George R.R Martin and the legendary games maker Hidetaka Miyazaki has received an official release date.

Some began to be concerned we would ever get to play the game first announced in the year 2019 - following an incredibly slow update.

But a lot of the game's dark and mysterious environment has been showcased and developers say it will be on our consoles in January 2022.

Guardians of the Galaxy

Marvel fans were delighted to discover a surprising tie-in with The Guardians of the Galaxy that was announced by publisher Square Enix.

The film was released in October and puts you in the role of Peter Quill, the star lord. The trailer was filled with his signature humor.

The game isn't very popular due to the fact that it doesn't have the right to use the likenesses from Hollywood actors.

Shay describes the display's vintage look as "it appears to be created 10 years ago."

"Having these character models , which are fairly generic, and not Hollywood faces, was quite strange."

Indie games to get excited about

For Press X to Continue's Inel Tomlinson, the star of this year's convention were not the big titles but some independent releases teased at the event.

"I really loved the fact that indie games were brought to the forefront of attention this year during the conferences," he says.

"I liked the game Replaced with its cool pixelated art and 12 minutes of action starring Willem Dafoe.

"There are many smaller independent titles to get excited about."

For more gaming content, go to Press X To Continue on BBC Sounds.

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