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Chapter 1.
The birthday present
It was Wednesday, the 10th of August 2005, Lawrence Bennett's birthday, he was now 12 years old, he was now much taller, not as tall as his father tho. Lawrence had a new wand, one that was his own, but he didn't have his book. Corvus had been teaching him magic he has learned spells to help him defeat those trying to kill him. People still think he had the book. The l'Association de Crainte were on the loose, and we needed to stop them. The good guys formed a team, a team called 'The Order of Moral' Corvus came up with it.
Lawrence got out of bed and walked downstairs. He found Corvus, Noah, Cetus and Cygnus all downstairs ''Happy birthday!'' They shouted. ''Thanks, guys!'' Says Lawrence, surprised. ''We got you a gift.'' Said Corvus. ''Oh, really? What is it?'' Said Lawrence, Intrigued. ''Open it.'' Said Corvus. Lawrence opens the present ''A new wand!'' Said Lawrence, happy and excited. ''Thanks!'' He hugs Corvus. ''No problem. I mean, you needed a new one, you couldn't keep using mine.'' Says Corvus. ''I suppose you're right.'' Says Lawrence. ''C'mon, let's get out of here.'' Says Noah. ''Yep!'' Says Lawrence. They walk out of the front door and leave in a carriage. They go to 'The Order of the Moral's' headquarters it was a manor, called 'The Orders manor.' They get out and walk to the giant doors. They head inside and sit down. On the walls, there were pictures of previous owners. ''Tea?'' Corvus says. ''Yes, please.'' Says Noah. Corvus walks to the kitchen, ''How many sugars?!'' He shouted. ''Two, please!'' Said Noah. ''So, Lawrence, how are you?'' Says Noah. ''I'm still thinking about what happened last year. I can't get it out of my head.'' He says with a frown on his face. ''What has happened, happened. There is nothing we can do about that. Mistakes were made, and so we learn. Learning from our mistakes is what makes us stronger, and better.'' Says Corvus, placing the tea down in front of Noah. ''What about Angela?'' Says Lawrence, vexed. ''She needed to die, she needed to die to win, it had to make you feel anger, making you stronger, to win.'' Says Corvus giving Lawrence company. ''Thank you, Corvus. You've made me realise that to not dwell on the past, and to look forward.'' He says, a little bit happier. ''No problem,'' says Corvus. A glowing light appears on the table and a gust of wind hits them, it's the book, the book that had brought Lawrence back, that had been the reason his mother had died. What was it doing here? ''It's the book!'' Says Lawrence, shocked. ''It could be a trap,'' says Corvus, worried. Lawrence picks it up, turns to the back, and sees his mother's name. ''My mother's name, Lucia, it's not a trap, it's really the book.'' He said. ''How would you know,'' says Noah. ''The book cannot be copied, not at all,'' Lawrence said, stuttery. ''It has returned to its rightful owner.'' Said Corvus. Lawrence sat down, looking through it. He eventually placed it down on the table and let out a sigh. ''Corvus, maybe you can teach me some new spells?'' Lawrence said, gracefully. ''Tomorrow,'' Corvus said, doubtfully.
''Off to bed, both of you,'' Corvus said in a fatherly matter. ''Yes, Corvus,'' Lawrence said. The boys went into their bedrooms. Lawrence was the last in the house to fall asleep, as he could not sleep, since he was thinking about the book, just appearing. Knowing that danger is near. It was the next morning. Both Noah and Lawrence awoke to an explosion. They both rushed downstairs, to Corvus, making pancakes. ''Ta-da!'' Corvus said, proud. ''Wow, pancakes!'' Says Lawrence. Noah and Lawrence run down and start eating the pancakes. Corvus and Lawrence go to the duelling room. ''Right, duelling, my favourite thing to do.'' Says Corvus. ''Hooray!'' Said Lawrence, still tired. ''I'm going to teach you this simple but effective spell.'' ''The blinding spell.'' 'Cecite.' ''Now, try it on me.'' Says Corvus. ''Cecite!'' A spark of red light hits Corvus, turning him blind. ''You did it!'' Said Corvus, happy. ''Ok, now reverse it,'' Corvus says, desprate. ''Peripeta Incantare.'' The spell gets reversed. ''Well done, you've become very good.'' Says Corvus. The two walk to the kitchen, where Noah is watching television, his favourite show, the choice. But both Corvus and Lawrence found that show boring. There was a sudden knock at the door. Who could it be? Lawrence answered it. ''Acamar!'' Says Lawrence. Lawrence hugs him. ''Happy birthday!'' Says Acamar. He had brought someone with him. ''This is Gustavo Todd. We call him Todd,'' says Acamar. ''Nice to meet you, Todd!'' Says Lawrence. ''Happy Birthday, Lawrence Bennett!'' He hands him a present, it was Dragon food. ''Dragon food? What do I need dragon food for?'' Todd points outside at the dragon. ''Woah! Is that for me?!'' ''Yes,'' said Acamar. ''Wow! Thanks! I need a name! Boucles!'' Boucles was a Drake dragon. He was dark brown and scaly all over. He had a long tail and long wings, he wasn't very big, but he could fit through the door. Although, he could fly very well. Lawrence hopped on and flew around for a while with Noah. Inside Corvus, Acamar, and Todd were talking about the danger Lawrence was in. ''The boy is in mortal danger,'' says Todd. ''We know, we need to keep him safe, here,'' says Corvus. ''He's only 12,'' says Acamar. ''He's under a lot of pressure.'' Says Acamar, looking at Corvus. Corvus replies, ''I promised his mother I would keep him safe. Keep him safe until he turns 20.'' ''Why 20?'' Says Todd. ''20 is when the book will change owners and when he will be able to make its alliance change. A family member,'' says Corvus.
''So he has to have kids before 20?'' says Acamar. ''Yes, most likely.'' Replied Corvus. Corvus gets up and walks outside. ''Lawrence!'' He shouts. ''Coming!'' Shouts Lawrence back at Corvus. ''Yes? What is it?'' Says Lawrence. ''We need to take Noah home now,'' Corvus says. ''But why?!'' Lawrence says. ''Don't question it, just listen.'' Corvus's crystal ball begins to glow black, with Lawrence's dad. ''Fine,'' says Lawrence, upset. They all get into the carriage as Boucles pulls them. They land at Noah's home, Noah gets off and says goodbye to Lawrence. They fly off, and the boys wave at each other. They go to Lawrence's house, looking for Lawrence's father. Then they found a man, a scary-looking man, standing over a frightened Stanley. ''Tell me where the book is!'' The man says ''I-I don't know what you're talking about!'' Replied Stanley. ''Come on Stan, I'm sure you do.'' The man punches Stanley knocking out a tooth. ''Who- who are you?!'' Yells Stanley. ''I'm Eqium Stribeus,'' says Equim. Equim pulls out his wand and points it to Stanley. Lawrence jumps out he casts a spell ''Exarmare!'' The wand flies out of his hands. ''Demissa aternum!'' Shouts Todd. Equim gets tied up. ''Arg!'' says Equim. ''Dad!?'' Shouts Lawrence. His dad gets up ''Get away from me!'' He says. ''I'm sorry, dad,'' Lawrence says. ''Tut!'' Stanley walks off. ''What do you want with my father?!'' Lawrence shouts. ''I need that book!'' Equim replies.
''What book?!'' Askes Lawrence. Equim responds ''You know what book!'' ''I have no idea,'' says Lawrence. The front door blasts open, Stanley yells. A man walks in, holding his wand to Stanley's neck. Lawrence, Corvus Acamar and Todd point their wands to the man. ''Who are you?!'' Askes Todd. The man laughs. ''Do you not recognise me?'' ''Mortifer!'' Says Lawrence. ''How did you survive?!'' Says Corvus. ''Well, I wasn't actually dead. You see, the spell he used didn't kill me, just made me close to death. I was able to fix my body, bringing myself back to my full form.'' Says Mortifer. ''I am now unkillable, merely Immortal. But how you may wonder, the book stayed behind, every time I am to die, I can form a new body, and enter upon it.'' Says Mortifer, happy, stronger than ever. ''No! You being Immortal! That's crazy!'' Says Corvus. Mortifer explains ''The book disappeared, I assumed you to be here, where the book might have been, I sent Eqium, obviously taken down, by a mere boy, a child. It's not over, Lawrence. Your father will die, unless, you give me the book!'' Says Mortifer. ''I don't have it, I swear!'' Shouts Lawrence. Lawrence's father may have hated Lawrence, but he was just broken, maybe Lawrence could help him. ''Please, spare him!'' Shouted Morvus.
''Ha-ha-ha!'' Mortifer chuckled. ''C'mon, Pierce!'' Says Acamar. ''Do not call me Pierce!'' Says Mortifer. Mortifer shot a spell at Acamar. ''Destruam!'' They all jump out of the way, the kitchen exploded the ground had a massive hole the walls were black, the table and chair were broken, fallen onto the ground. Mortifer dropped Stanley. ''Cecite!'' Shouted Lawrence, Mortifer blocked, sending it back at him, blinding him. Lawrence crawled behind the wall. ''Extonare!'' shouts Todd. Mortifer blocks this however and fires back at Todd ''Clipeum!'' The spell bounces off of thin air, and back at Mortifer. Mortifer blocks quick enough and gets ready to fire at Corvus. Todd shouts ''Clipeum Extensus!'' a bigger shield forms around them. Mortifer fires at Corvus. ''Osruptor!'' The spell comes back, but Stanley was in the way, hitting him. ''Foolish man.'' ''Nonplus Prasidium,'' he breaks the shield. ''Elevatus Figurus!'' Mortimer shoots the spell at Todd. Todd gets dangled in the air by his arms. His legs froze. ''Exarmare!'' Todd's wand flies out of his hands. ''Too slow, Gustavo.'' Says Mortifer. Corvus hides behind the wall and reverses the blindness spell on Lawrence. Lawrence stands up, he fires a spell at Mortifer. Mortifer blocks. Mortifer fires back at Lawrence. Lawrence blocks. Lawrence's father stands up, his bones broken, ''Stop!'' He yells. ''That's my son!'' ''Ha-ha!'' Mortifer laughs. ''Foolish man!'' Mortifer hits Stanley to the floor, Lawrence looks at Mortifer in anger. Mortifer brings up his wand ''Eliminar Eternum!'' Lawrence also brings up his wand, casting a spell at the same time. ''Paratum cadavre!'' The two spells clash, one shooting at each other, a black beam constantly hitting a ball of light, the same on Lawrence's side, except the beam is white. Lawrence clutches his wand with two hands, pushing his wand stronger at Mortifer. Mortifer showing off, using one hand. The ball of light gets closer and closer to Lawrence. Lawrence didn't know this was not supposed to happen, but the book wand blocked the spell, 'The unblockable spell.' Then, the ball of light gets closer to Mortifer, they both let go, then, Mortifer gets ready again, Stanley gets up ''No!'' Yelled Stanley, ''My son!'' ''Vivos Perdere!'' The killing spell hits Stanley instead of Lawrence. A beam of black light shoots from the wand. ''Dad!'' Yells Lawrence. Lawrence drops to his knees. ''Ha-ha-ha!'' Mortifer did nothing but laugh. ''Demissa aternum!'' Shouted Lawrence. Mortifer teleported outside. ''Immensus exitium!'' The house exploded. They all fainted. 40 minutes went by, Lawrence woke up, seeing Todd still hanging, but out cold. He turns to Corvus, sitting there, weak, unable to think or to move.
''Corvus!'' Says Lawrence rushing to him. ''Baume blessure.'' Corvus completely heals. I'm going to help Todd. Look after your dad. Lawrence cries over his father's body. ''Why did you have to die for me dad? Why?!'' Corvus gets Todd down. ''Where is he?'' Says Todd. ''He's gone!'' Says Corvus. They both look down at the 12-year-old Lawrence, holding his father's corpse in his arms, crying. They both go to their knees, wrapping their arms around Lawrence. ''We can't leave him here,'' says Lawrence. ''We will have a funeral,'' says Corvus.
''This has been the worst birthday ever!'' Lawrence shouts. ''We are sorry, Lawrence,'' says Corvus. Todd carries Stanly in his arms to the carriage, and they fly off. They go to a Church, they find a piece of land, not used. ''Foragepieds,'' says Todd, making a hole in the ground. They lay down the body. ''Impleam.'' Todd fills the hole. Here's a gravestone
Todd Carves 'Here lies Todd Stanley' ''When was he born, Lawrence?'' Askes Todd. ''He was born 3rd of January, 1961.'' '3rd of January 1961 - 10th August 2005 aged 45'.
They go into the carriage and fly to the Orders manor. When they land, they see Cetus and Cygnus waiting for them. ''What happened?'' Said Cetus. ''It doesn't matter,'' says Corvus.
They go inside, all beaten and their clothes were black from the explosion. Their faces were covered in bruises and cuts. They sit down, they're all silent. Lawrence starts to cry. ''Lawrence!'' Corvus shouts. He runs over to him, hugging him. ''My father's last act was saving me! I can't let him die in vain! I will kill Mortifer!'' Yelled Lawrence. ''He's Immortal,'' says Todd, ''we need to find out how to stop it.'' ''Look, Lawrence. Nobody is really gone. Your father will live on, in your heart. He will live on in the act he pledged, sacrificing himself, for you,'' says Corvus, with confidence. ''Death isn't the end. Death is just the beginning of a new adventure. A start of a new chapter,' says Todd. ''You're both right, thank you. I have to move on, to fight. Fight for my dad! For us! For everyone!'' Lawrence says standing up, moved by their words. ''I need Boucles, we need to leave, collect everyone we can! Everyone who will fight for what is right, because, in the end, good always wins,'' says Lawrence. They all go out each and every one of them. They collect an army at least 20 people.
Chapter 2.
The great battle
They head over to the cave of dreams. There awaits Mortifer and his army. Lawrence makes the first move, casting at Motifer. They all fight, battle on battle people flying everywhere, Todd has already taken down two. Corvus is battling 2 people at once. The twins battling 4 people. Mortifer and Lawrence. Todd fires a spell at Samael Diaboli.
Todd fires the disarm spell, and Samael fires the stunning spell. they both dodge. ''Ignis Insania!'' Says Samal, Fire shoots out of the wand. ''Aqua Insania!'' Shouts Todd, they both clash between fire and water. When this happens, the spell 'Obsidianus' forms, turning both water and fire too obsidian. ''Destruam!'' screams Todd, destroying the obsidian. ''Reducite!'' Shouts Todd, sending Samael flying off of the cliff, killing him, as he hit the ground. Todd turns to see Theodore Monroe, his friend battle the dark wizard, Arlo Infortunium. Todd sends a spell at Arlo, knocking his wand out of his hands, Theodore sends a spell at Arlo ''Paratum cadavre!'' making him fall to the ground, frozen. Another dark wizard shoots a spell at Theodore ''Lapis!'' Turning him to stone. Another wizard attacks Todd from behind, Todd turns around they start to duel. From a distance ''Frange Pierre!''
Theodore explodes, dying. Acamar fires a spell at the guy who fired at Theodore. ''Padesouffle!'' The man drops his wand, and both his hands on his neck, he cannot breath. ''Terramitto!'' Someone fires a rock at Acamar. Another good wizard steps in, shooting a spell ''Flotteramulet!'' The person flies away in a bubble. A good wizard called Charlie Stewart fights a dark wizard called Drakkar Mortem, Drakkar fires a spell at Charlie. Charlie blocks, and fires back at Drakkar, Drakkar blocks, and sends it back at Charlie. Charlie falls to the ground, ''Osruptor!'' All of Charlie's bones break, including his neck, killing him. Drakkar Teleports away. Mortifer and Lawrence fire a spell at the same time, Lawrence keeps the spell and fires at Mortifer, it hits him and knocks him to the floor. Mortifer Gets up and fires endless sparks at Lawrence, hoping one would hit him. Then it did, cutting his stomach. He yells in pain ''Exarmare!'' Morifer blocks, shooting it back at Lawrence, knocking his wand out of his hand. Then, a big explosion happens between them, Lawrence grabs his wand and fires at Mortifer, Mortifer blocks then fires a spell at Lawrence, he dodges and quickly fires one back at him. Corvos is now fighting Drakkar. ''Secretum!'' Shouts Drakkar, Corvos quickly blocking. ''Gonflersur Fragor!'' Drakkar blocks shooting another spell at Corvos ''Extrorsum!'' Corvos quickly shouts ''Clipeum!'' He creates a shield around him, making the spell rebound, Drakkar jumps out of the way and breaks the shield ''Nonplus Prasidium!'' The shield breaks, Corvos shoots a spell at Drakkar, Drakkar blocks and then gets up, and fires one at Corvos. ''Fortiad fundus! Corvos gets slammed into the ground. Drakkar stands over him. ''It's over! Eliminar-'' Jamie comes over ''Exarmare!'' he disarms Drakkar, then fires ''Lapis!'' Turning Drakkar to stone. ''Thanks, Jamie!'' Says Corvus, still in the ground.'' ''You're welcome,'' replied Jamie. He helps him up. ''Pessulum!'' a bolt of lightning hits Jamie, knocking him to the floor burnt to a crisp almost dead. Corvus is in shock ''Coma? My brother.'' says Corvus. ''Hello, Corvus. Trying to make mummy proud?''
''In fact, I am.'' Says Corvus. ''Grr! I will put an end to that!'' Corvus gets up and shoots a spell at his brother. His brother blocks, and fires a spell at his brother. ''I don't want to have to kill you, brother,'' says Corvus. Coma laughs and says ''Captio!'' Corvus fires it back at his brother, Coma falls to the ground, shaking endlessly and viciously. He drops his wand. Corvus runs over to Lawrence and Mortifer. ''Lawrence!'' Shouts Corvus. He shoots a spell at Mortifer ''Exitium!'' Then he blocks his spell, and blocks Lawrence's spell. ''You're only matching me because of the book!'' Yelled Mortifer. ''Or maybe you're just weak!'' Yells Lawrence. Acamar and Todd are fighting Mauvais Etranger and Thorn Obscurite. Acamar shoots at Thorn ''Extonare!'' Thorn flies back, stunned. Acamar goes over to Todd. ''Don't worry Todd, I'm here!'' ''Not for long!'' Says Mauvais ''Vivos Perdere!'' A black beam hits Acamar, killing him. ''Acamar!'' Shouts Todd. Todd gains anger, ''Sonus Raucus!'' Shouted Todd. Mauvais starts flipping backwards, hitting his head on the ground, moribund. The book glows, because of the death of Acamar, bringing Todd, Acamar's corpse, and Corvus to Lawrence. They all teleport back to a strange place. ''Noo!'' Screamed Mortifer. ''Acamar!'' Lawrence falls to the ground, ''Please, no! Not another one!'' All of them begin to cry. Lawrence the most. ''Where-where are we?'' Said Todd. ''I-I don't know,'' said Crovus, wiping his tears.
They see a building, it looked old, and abandoned. They knocked on the door, answered an old man with a white beard and white hair, he looked friendly. ''Ah! Guests! Come on in!'' He smiled. ''I'm Wosior.'' Said the old man. ''Wosior?! You? Wosior Aggelos?'' Said Todd in disbelief. ''Indeed I am, sir,'' says Wosior. '' Proof it then, ''says Todd.'' Wosior pulls out a stone, an old looking stone glowing gold, he mumbles ''Apertiomedit.'' The stone turns silver. He gets out his wand, ''Cupidus Aurum.'' The stone turns to gold. ''That's not proof!'' Says Todd. ''Fine,'' says Wosior. ''Infinifeu Sphera!'' A shield of fire surrounds Wosior. ''Woah!'' Says Lawrence. ''You are Wosior Aggelos!'' Says Todd.

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