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How to save fish in your aquarium: Some mistakes to avoid

Having fish in the pond provides hours of entertainment, which many pond owners appreciate. Regardless, of pond fish may indicate that there is an issue with the pond that must be addressed to ensure the safety of the remaining fish.

Water quality

The oxygen level of pond water and the quality of the water are two of the most important factors for healthy fish. The presence of low oxygen levels or high ammonia, nitrite, or nitrate levels can create a potentially lethal situation. In pet stores, you can buy testing kits for your pond's water. To test water quality, collect a small sample of water, add a few drops of your test solution, and observe the color changes that occur. Fish ponds should have a pH reading between 70 and 90. The ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels should be 0 and 50 parts per million, respectively. At the very least, you should change 30 percent of the pond water to cool it if it is measuring above acceptable levels. Fish in ponds with low oxygen levels may remain near the water's surface during the early morning hours and may have a reduced appetite and activity. When oxygen levels of the pond are extremely low, aeration with a pump or fountain is necessary.

Water temperature

Fish in ponds that go through drastic changes in water temperature are more susceptible to disease and less able to deal with other issues - such as low oxygen levels and ammonia concentrations - that may arise. Fish often die due to stress.

Overcrowding and overfeeding

As overcrowding and overfeeding are two causes of fish pond mortality, they reduce oxygen availability and increase waste production, increasing nitrates and ammonia levels. Avoid overfeeding by removing any food remaining after five minutes. If the ammonia and nitrite levels in the pond are elevated, the pond is congested.


Algae that grow in a large number can kill fish in a pond. By photosynthesis, algae produce oxygen during daylight hours. As algal blooms grow, they use up oxygen at night, reducing the oxygen supply to the pond. The decomposition of large algae plants, which occur suddenly, can be fatal to pond fishes, since decomposing plants deplete the water's oxygen supply.


Despite the fact that stress sometimes kills fish, it reduces the fish's natural ability to deal with bacteria and viruses in the water more frequently. Its symptoms include decreased eating, abnormal swimming or erratic movement, sores, blisters, bulging eyes, spots or lumps, and discoloration of the body or fins. Clean ponds, adequate ventilation, and proper stocking prevent most common fish pond deaths.

Once you have created a home for your new pets, it is time to choose the fish. It is crucial because overcrowding causes stress and organic waste generates so much that a filter cannot eliminate it at the rate at which it is produced. The fish are toxic if ammonia accumulates in the water. Conversely, choose that they are not aggressive and have the same temperature and feeding requirements.

Finding a good aquarium filter is critical if you are housing multiple fish. The cost of this can be high, but the benefits are enormous: you'll prevent disease, fish kills, poor water quality, waste buildup, and ensure healthy water circulation in the aquarium. Ideally, use a filter with a capacity slightly higher than the tank's volume to ensure that it will be efficient.

Aquarium plants should be put in. Consequently, the nitrogenous residues in the water are eliminated by the plants, which eat the nitrates in the water. Combined with herbivorous fish, the plants will be a healthy and natural food source.

The use of small aquariums shaped like balls is not recommended. These tanks are not suitable for several reasons: they are too small, do not allow good aeration of the water because the surface area of the tank is not large enough, and their circular shape stresses the fish.

Don't overly clean the aquarium. Remember that the aquarium is a living environment where every bacterium is part of the ecosystem and is necessary for the lives of other creatures. Partial water changes should be performed every 3-4 weeks or when test results indicate it. Do not use cleaning products since bacteria can remove nitrogen from gravel. Using a siphon, remove some of the bottom water and replace it with clean, non-chlorinated water.

There needs to be a period of time before all the fish within the aquarium are balanced. It would be helpful if you did not get obsessed with caring for it. This would only make the fish stressed. Maintaining the ecosystem involves doing the right things at the right time. If you're constantly rearranging gravel, trim, or filters, you're hurting it. When you sit back and watch, you will get to know what each fish is like, as well as if any are sick.

In an aquarium, it is crucial to maintain the fish's health. If you detect a problem, check to see if the water is in perfect condition. In many cases, this is the real cause of the problem, and medication is not needed. Do a partial change of water or just correct some details.

In case of diseases:

Avoid using too many medications because they can harm your fish.

Observe the dosages and application frequencies prescribed by the manufacturer.

Don't mix anything into the water and seek professional advice before doing so. To ensure a healthy recovery of the fish, it is often preferred to create a calm environment with excellent water quality.

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