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Today for this workout I was able to pick one of my favorite workouts that we have done so far throughout the semester. I ended up picking the 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 workout without taking breaks through the whole time to keep my heart rate up and ensure that my work rate was appropriate, so I altered it a bit to make my workout a bit more challenging, my starting at 12, and working my way down all the way to 1, instead of starting at 10. I was able to complete this workout in it's entirety and then I threw on a few extra jumping jacks to get my heart going towards the end right before the abdominal and core workouts. My cycle of exercises consisted of Burpees into push-ups, then onto dumbbell rows for my back, then DB thrusters for my shoulders and legs, single leg deadlifts, followed my shoulder shrugs that I added on for my upper body and traps, then tricep extensions which I have noticed significant improvement at. My heart rate was going quite a bit averaging almost 160bpm, and I went for a little over thirty minutes, and made sure to really push myself during this workout like I have been throughout the semester. Below this I have attached a screenshot of this workout.

At the beginning of this course I was not physically active often, as well as not very confident in my recent physical ability and physical drive to be able to complete entire full body workouts. After all of these workouts that we have been educated on, and have done, I find myself much more confident in my ability to workout properly with dumbbells and on my own. Learning all of these different exercises certainly benefited me in a big way, and even though this course will not continue on, I will absolutely continue to workout at least twice a week, and I believe that I have a good system going, and will continue to implement these workouts in my weekly life. I notice major improvements in terms of my form, my upper body and lower body strength, and an increase in my overall cardio throughout the day doing other tasks. This course was amazing and I plan to take the next one with you next semester Professor Maday. I had a great time tracking all my workouts, increasing performance ability, strength, and cardio through this course. Overall I had a great time, and look forward to taking the next course again with you. Thanks so much for a great semester and driving me to do my best!

Workout #1 (Wednesday 5/25)
Title: 12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1
Reps of burpees with push-ups
ISO dumbbell rows
DB Thrusters
Single Leg Deadlifts
Shoulder Shrugs
Tricep Extensions
Side Planks,
Scissor Kicks
x200 Jumping Jacks

Heart Rate: 158bpm
Time: 30 Minutes +
Screenshot Below:

I would like to have you pick your favorite workout that we have done throughout the semester. Please be very specific in writing your workout (include sets/reps, or rounds, exercises) summarize your overall progress of the workout, date, heart rate and screenshot. Also, please include how your progress throughout the semester. T
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