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1 Forelimb of penguin alligator and bat - homologous structures
2 Authored the origin of species - Charles darwin
3 proposed the idea that organisms "choose" to adapt - Jean Baptiste de Lamarck
4 a phylogenetic tree constructed from a series of two-way branch points, which suggest an evolutionary relationship between species - cladogram
5 human appendix or legs of whales - vestigial structures
6 organisms that have different internal anatomy but have identical functions and look similar - analogous structures
7 structures that were useful to an ancestor but are not useful now - vestigial structures
8 related organisms share the same biochemistry - similarity in biomolecules
9 made observations in the Galapagos Islands - Charles Darwin
10 "organisms choose to adapt to their environment" - analogous structures
11 proposed the Theory of Evolution by acquired traits - Jean Baptiste de Lamarck
12 devised the theory of evolution by natural selection - Charles Darwin
13 bird wings and insect wings - analogous structures
14 first to say that organisms change over time - Jean Baptiste de Lamarck
15 mutations are random, but evolution is not random - accepted idea of evolution

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