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There are two types of people in this world-the ones who are literately successful at almost everything, and the ones who hope they die in a big explosion. It was the first day of school for me and my brother Darian, who was a year older than me. I was in grade two, and Darian was in grade three. It was the year 2013 at that time, so I was turning eight in that year.

"Yes! Hah, I made it to level 50 before you, loser!" Darian snickered. Knowing that he was older than me, I could not do anything hurtful to him, whether it's physically or verbally. So after coming up to this conclusion, I just looked out the car window and sighed. Darian took his backpack and placed his Gameboy into it. "Bye honey! Have fun at school!" my mom called out to him before he could close the car door. He said bye to her and closed the door. For the first few seconds, it was complete silence in the car. "You too Nadine," my mom said in her not-so-nice voice. I don't know why my mom would always change the tone of her voice each time she talked to me. She would change it into a tone that makes you feel like she hates you. I think I was the least favorite child that time, probably because I was really hard to understand, and was really annoying too.

I quickly changed my sitting posture that instantly told my mother "I am not going to that hell-like place". My mother waited for a few more seconds, thinking that I would change my mind and just go, but I just remained in the same posture. "Okay, that's it young lady!" my mother said to me angrily and slammed the car door. She rushed over to the car door next to my seat and was about to open it and drag me out of the car, but I locked the car door just in time before she could open it. My mom started knocking on the car door, mouthing "Unlock this door right now!". As she did, I started giggling. My dad turned over to around to look at me and sighed, "Don't do that Nadine..." But I didn't listen- I couldn't even hear him as my laughter was a little louder than his voice. But I didn't notice that my mom went to the other car door and opened it. She tried pulling me out of the car, but I just kept on kicking the air to try and stop her from pulling me. My dad had to rush out of the car and pull my mom away. I crawled out of the car and stuck my tongue out to my mom. My dad let go of my mom and went up to me, then said "Nadine, you should probably just go, and if you ever get the chance, fart into their backpacks," We both chuckled. He always knew how to cheer me up. I then said softly to him, "I wish you were small..." my dad patted me on the head and said, "Come on kiddo, you'll be fine," my mom handed me my backpack still with the same frown. I quickly took my backpack and went off immediately just in case my mom wanted to scold me again.

So basically, my whole entire year was just go to school and sleep. My life was practically boring now. And to make things worse, I didn't even have a single friend, except for my brother, but he had no trouble making friends because of his personality. Day by day, I would see him talking to different people, and I got a little bit jealous. I looked like an ugly ogre, and no one would ever come talk to me. The only attention I got was from these three- Jessica, Brittney and Jade. They were the cool kids group in our school, and the very pretty and good-looking ones. Although, they would be very mean to those who looked ugly to them. One day, during lunch break, I was looking for a place to sit and eat. Just as I was walking around while carrying my tray of food, Jessica, the 'leader' of the group, pushed me and made me fall to the ground, dropping my tray of food. "No one likes you. You suck, and your going to get AIDS," Jessica laughed. Brittney took the food on the floor, and dumped it all over my head. They all walked away laughing.

It happened almost every single day. They'd always bully me for how I looked. It was all so annoying! My childhood had become a raging fire dumpster and I couldn't take one more second of this intolerable unlivable nightmare of a lifetime! I would take an umbrella and would hit the fence of the soccer field with it.

"Excuse me? Would you move please?" someone behind me said. Out of the clear blue, an angel appeared. It happened to be another student. She dressed like an elderly gentleman, and her breath smelled of SweetTarts (the candy). I moved aside, and I had just realized that I was standing next to a hose. The girl went to the hose, and put some water on her hand. I went to take a closer look at what was in her hand, and it happened to be a caterpillar. "You want to hold him?" she asked sweetly. I nodded. I took the caterpillar from her hands carefully. "But don't squash him!" she said as soon as I held him. "Hi little guy!" I said to the caterpillar. The girl looked at me and said, "If you want, you could be his other mom with me," I nodded eagerly. I then said to the caterpillar, "I'm going to be your other mom and will take such good care of you,"

I accidentally suffocated the caterpillar two hours later in my pencil box. I plopped him into the toilet and flushed him down. But luckily, I had made my first friend.

The girl's name happened to be Krista,. We stuck together the whole way until now, and would always have each other's backs. She would invite me to her house often. We told each other things we never would have thought we would say out loud. "Once my grandpa's pajama flap accidentally came open, and I saw his weiner and got real sad," Krista said softly. "My mom has to take medicine or she'll get upset and buy too much at the mall," I said quietly. We both laughed and chuckled. It turned out that Krista's life wasn't so perfect either. Her parents were fighting every time I went to Krista's house. But, we got each other through. For the next few years, life was magic. And then, some extremely messed up crap happened.

Me and Krista were both thirteen at that time, and we were going through the painful stage of puberty. I held up a magazine and looked at myself in the mirror. On the magazine cover was a weird looking man, with a weird hairstyle and pimples all over his forehead. "So what the kids said at school really were true," I said unbelievably, comparing myself to the man on the magazine cover. "It seems fine to me, you could maybe just grow the hair out," Krista said, trying to make the situation a little bit better. "And the pimples are fine, everyone gets them anyways," Krista added. I just looked a whole lot uglier as I got older. "Hey move, I got to pee," Darian said. Darian, on the other hand, just got better-looking. Me and Krista both left the bathroom and went back into my room.

A few months later, that's when my life turned miserable. Even more miserable than not having any friends and not having anyone to talk to.

"Nadine! Would you go buy dinner with your father? Were having fast food!" my mom asked. I agreed to do it and went in the car with dad. We drove to In-and-Out Burger to buy our food. "Two double cheesy burger, one double patty burger and she'll have the cheeseburger. Could we get four cans of coke, and two large fries with it please?" my dad said at the drive-thru counter. "Okay." the person said. We waited for a few minutes, then our food was ready. We took the food, paid for it and drove back home. On the way home, dad said, "I feel hungry...maybe I'll eat my food now," He took his food and started eating his burger. At that moment, dad's favorite song started playing on the radio. "I love this song!" he said with food in his mouth. I laughed and he started singing along to the song. I started singing along to it too with him. "All for you-" my dad was singing, but, he started coughing. "Dad? Are you okay?" I asked a little bit worriedly. He didn't reply, but he just kept coughing. "Dad..?!" I said. Suddenly, he fell unconscious and crashed into another car. The crash wasn't to bad, just a few minor bruises and scratches. "Dad!!" I exclaimed. I started shaking him, wanting to wake up. "D-dad..! You have to wake up...!" I said as my voice started breaking. I rushed out of the car, pacing around worriedly. I quickly called the ambulance. After I called them, I sat on the sidewalk, crying so hard until I couldn't anymore.

"David!!!!" my mom wailed. When we got to the hospital, my dad was announced...dead. I couldn't even cry anymore. I couldn't even process the fact that he was dead. My brother was trying to comfort my mother. I stood by my brother's side, looking down at my dad's covered body. After that, my life was complete crap.

Now, it is the present. It is the year 2022. My alarm clock rang loudly, as usual, and woke me up. I got up from bed and got ready for school. I was now 17 years old, and I was in high school. My mom dropped me off at school. "Hey Nadine!" Krista greeted me.

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