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Can CBD Help Children With Autism and Other Mood Disorders?
Researchers in Israel are now exploring the potential benefits of CBD for children with autism and other mood disorders. They report that a feasibility study involving 60 children with autism found significant improvements in the children's behavioral, communication, and stress levels. The study's lead author, Dr. Adi Aran, is the director of the pediatric neurology unit at Shaare Tzedek Medical Center in Israel. He says that this research is promising, but more research needs to be done to determine the long-term effects of CBD on these disorders.

In addition to testing for THC, forensic toxicologists have compared nine e-liquid products that advertised to be 100 percent natural CBD extracts. One contained dextromethorphan, a common ingredient in over-the-counter cough medications, which is considered highly addictive when abused. Another four contained the synthetic cannabinoid Spice, which can cause anxiety, psychosis, and tachycardia. The majority of products contained only trace amounts of CBD.

CBD is also under scrutiny from various sources, including the World Health Organization and agricultural lobbyists. hempwell cbd oil have expressed concerns about the potential negative effects of CBD, but these concerns are based on the lack of scientific evidence on the topic. The product's lack of regulation has made it less accessible to the public, but the evidence suggests that it is safe for human consumption. CBD is also considered a safe product for people with anxiety or depression, although the FDA has yet to make a final determination.
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