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Lawrence Bennett: Main character.
Noah Alcott: Lawrence's friend.
Stanley Bennett: Lawrence's father.
Liam Maddens: The bully
Mr Bixby: Their History teacher.
Alice Watts: Girl in their class
Mrs Johnson: Science teacher.
Corvus Volans: Friend of Lawrence's mother.
Malum Sortoria/Ebony Merel: Evil witch.
Cetus and Cygnus Centaurus
The two dragons: Butyrum and Hemnet.
Angela Caine: The girl in the cottage.
Acamar Greenwood: The saver.
No-maj: Non-magical person.
Mortifer/Pierce Caddel: The main villian.
Lucem: Creates a ball of light.
Tenebris: Puts out the ball of light.
Ignis: Creates fire.
Aqua Insania: Shoots water out of the wand.
Nullus strepitus: Silences something.
Destruam: Explodes things.
Tempus sauter: Allows a person to travel 60 minutes in time.
Paratum cadavre: Full body bind spell.
Reparationem: Repairs things.
Dominariloin: forces the legs of the victim wildly out of control.
Make the victim fall to the ground: Tinctus
Vulnusecare: Acts like an invisible sword.
Sana secat: Heals the wounds of Vulnusecare.
Eliminar Eternum: instantaneous and painless death
Extonare: Stunning spell.
Exarmare: Disarming spell.
Peripetia Incantare: Reverse most spells.
sumunre: Summoning spell. Makes an object fly towards the caster.
Retractare cadaver: Makes a person fly towards the caster
Candela Calor: Lighting up a candle.
Demissa aternum: Ties a rope around a victims neck and makes them dangle from the sky.
praeceptor perimus: Drowns the person in a ball of water.
Iredeorsum: Makes a person sink into the ground.
Stirpsomnino: Cuts something in half.
Auxilium: Sends a spark out of the wand.
Restrictus: To tie up a person.
Obscurare: Makes a person faint.
Condolere: Inflicts pain onto a person.
Inpulsa fluctus: Sends a shock wave.
Supra Potestatem: The most powerful spell, able to do beyond anything.
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